Project title Principal Investigator: Affiliation/Institution: Email: Mailing address: Co-Principal Investigators: Affiliations/Institutions: Emails: Collaborators.


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Presentation transcript:

Project title Principal Investigator: Affiliation/Institution: Mailing address: Co-Principal Investigators: Affiliations/Institutions: s: Collaborators and Affiliations: Completion date: Brief (2 bullet or 2 sentence) description of the most important project outcomes or take-home message(s) Funding support for this project was provided by the Northeastern States Research Cooperative (NSRC), a partnership of Northern Forest states (New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and New York), in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.

Project Summary ( words; written for a non-technical audience) Include: Rationale Methods Emphasize the major findings/outcomes Implications for the Northern Forest region

Background and Justification Describe the need for your project and any necessary background information Bulleted lists and tables are fine Include the level of detail you would give in a presentation for a town meeting Use the notes feature for additional detail if needed We encourage the use of illustrations (photographs, maps, etc.) - include descriptive captions Include citations (as footnotes if you wish) Include up to 3 slides for this section

Methods Bulleted lists and illustrations are fine Include the level of detail you would give in a presentation for a town meeting We encourage the use of illustrations (photographs, maps, etc.) - include descriptive captions Use the notes feature for additional detail if needed Include citations (as footnotes if you wish) Include up to 3 slides for this section

Results/Project outcomes Bulleted lists and tables are fine Include the level of detail you would give in a presentation for a town meeting Use the notes feature for additional detail if needed We encourage the use of illustrations (photographs, maps, graphs, diagrams, etc.) - include descriptive captions Include citations (as footnotes if you wish) Include up to 6 slides for this section 1-2 slides should address outreach efforts

Implications and applications in the Northern Forest region Describe the applicability and implications of your project’s results and outcomes in the context of the Northern Forest region Use the notes feature for additional detail if needed Include maps, graphs, photographs, etc., as appropriate Use descriptive captions to explain figures Include up to 2 slides for this section

Future directions Describe possible future work in this arena, in the context of the Northern Forest region Use the notes feature for additional detail if needed Include maps, graphs, photographs, etc., as appropriate Use descriptive captions to explain figures Include up to 2 slides for this section

List of products Principal Investigators are required to acknowledge USDA Forest Service in publications, audio visuals, and electronic media developed as a result of this awarded project. Suggested text: "This project was supported by the Northeastern States Research Cooperative through funding made available by the USDA Forest Service. The conclusions and opinions in this paper are those of the authors and not the NSRC, the Forest Service, or the USDA.“ Include full citation information for all publications (in print or in press), as well as presentations, workshops, abstracts, technical reports, websites (include URL), theses, etc. that resulted in part from your NSRC funding. Organize products into the following possible categories: peer-reviewed publications, other publications (proceedings, abstracts, technical reports, and theses), conference presentations (including workshops and posters), seminars and/or webinars, and other tangible products (websites, databases, etc.). If product is in press or preparation, include expected finish date. List any leveraged grants that resulted from your NSRC funding. Use additional slides, as needed.