COMP3121 E-Commerce Technologies Richard Henson University of Worcester October 2010
Week 4 –Server-Side Scripting and online Shopping Systems n Objectives: Explain how software tools can assist with integration of the four basic components of a client-server dynamic web pages application Identify available server-scripting & database connectivity systems Create and use read-write database-linked server-scripts with Visual Studio
Early online shopping example : n Came out of the early “wow, Java” revolution in web development n Whole system (30kb) written in Java Script, runs on the client machine (!) stores & presents product data shows all the components and functionality expected of a shopping cart system interfaces with merchant systems that can be used to handle online payment n TAKE A LOOK!!! downloadable from RH’s website…
Critical Look at Client-end “apps” n Absolutely fantastic! n Even better on a mobile… BUT usually for entertainment only… BUT usually for entertainment only… only small data sources, or infrequently changed data sources are used usually “single user”
Whatever happened to “client only” web shopping? n In an ideal (Internet) world everything would be able to run via the browser on the client machine. Result: faster all data local more controlled n The “Java+client-end HTML” model is fine… until you need to store and change data!!
Applications requiring multi-client use & shared data n Specific requirement: Large, regularly updated centralised data store that needs to be accessed by a number of clients Requirements for client-end solution ? »database updated centrally »database downloaded every time the application is to be used! Feasibility of client-end solution? »not powerful enough? »client not enough storage capacity? »not sufficient bandwidth? »downloading databases can compromise security
Demands of Applications based on centralised data storage! n Typically… the database is : secure readily accessible from all clients queriable remotely alterable only by specific persons n Only achievable through a client-server model
How Server Scripts can Interact with Databases n n Contain embedded SQL code that can extract data from or send data to a database
How Server Scripts can Interact with Databases Whenever a database is updated… » »updated data picked up by server-script when it runs » »updated data displayed on client
How Server Scripts can Interact with Databases Whenever a browser form captures data… » »data transferred directly to relevant server » »then stored in specified database field(s)
How Server Scripts Interact with Databases n n Whenever database information needs to be presented: database fields and records taken into server memory data sent to local machine to be displayed within a HTML format
When NOT to use web tools during web development… n n Database Design phase!!! Recommended that this part is done using the RDBMS itself Ideally, developers should use CASE tools, or at least entity-relationship modelling… Implementation of database should follow logical database design Development of SQL queries and server scripts should FOLLOW database implementation
Mechanism for variable passing between Dynamic Web Pages n n HTML “GET” function: parameter/s tagged on to the URL e.g. » »Get /thetest.jsp?firstname=richard&password=holidays&la stname=henson&action=transferbankfunds Can result in v. long URLs…
Variable Passing between Dynamic Web Pages n n Alternative: “POST” designed to be used within HTML forms… n n Example of syntax, added to HTML coding within … post /thetest.jsp firstname=richard&password=holiday s&lastname=henson&action=transfer bankfunds
How do Server Scripts work with HTML forms? n Browser: allows HTML code to make a request to run a particular script on a server (specified location) on positive server response, passes appropriately formatted captured HTML forms data to that server process n Server running the script: uses data from browser as input to its process »saves results somewhere (on a database?) »optionally sends HTML info back to the browser to format and display results of processing as it wishes »optionally passes results back to the browser, usually to appear in a HTML table
Features of Embedded Server Scripts n n Must be of an appropriate type for the web server that is to execute the code first line of file: declaration of language used C# n n Take advantage of web server’s built-in connectivity technologies e.g. MDAC: allows access to large databases held on remote web servers anywhere on the world wide web, security restrictions permitting allowing script processes to perform many queries per second on such databases
“off the shelf” server-side code n n Packages like Visual Studio & Dreamweaver have a library of existing server-scripts ready for use the term “server scripts” becomes “server behaviours” n n Menu driven "Live Objects" menu option enabling quick creation of: n n Master-Detail Pages n n Insert Pages n n Update pages
Creating new Server Scripts n n Dreamweaver % Visual Studio include a script builder wizards provide basic source code which can be modified for specific purposes very popular with experienced developers significantly improves the ability for end users and third parties to create scripts to meet specified requirements
Interacting with the Database n n Many existing databases pre-date the www MOST are relational n n When planning a new web-based system, it may be that the a suitable existing database already exists n n The choices are: EITHER to convert/port data into a new DBMS OR, assuming that existing database is relational, make use of the existing DBMS data as it stands
Choice of DBMS – entry level n n Access or MySQL - small databases both use SQL queries n n Both have their limitations: Access can’t support more than 10 concurrent users/queries MySQL falls short of full SQL capability in other ways: » » b_vs_MySQL.pdfhttp:// b_vs_MySQL.pdf
Beware Earlier versions of Access! n n Even pre-2000 Access versions… may integrate well with server-side scripting BUT… » »use a slightly different SQL syntax » »not automatically transferable to enterprise databases if an organisation subsequently needs to move up to a more powerful system n n Enterprise databases like SQL Server and Oracle provide full-blown programming and business logic within the database…
Choice of DBMS - Larger Systems n n SQL Server or Oracle? both standard SQL both interface well with, php, etc. no realistic alternatives n n However, it is possible (as a stopgap?) to create an Access Project file that can use the more powerful SQL Server database engine (i.e. recent versions using.accdb format)
Developing the Database n n The programming of links to fields, etc. should reside within the database itself rather than on a specific Web page n n Consequently, when something needs to be changed in the database: just need to change the “Stored Procedure” or “View”… and pages will update automatically if SQL consistently used, previous investment in programming will still remain even if the developer changes platform/scripting language…
Linking the Database with the Web Server n n Using IIS: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC – originally VB source code) » »freely available on the web » »enables any database system to link to IIS using ODBC or OLE DB n n Using Apache: UNIX: no MDAC “vulnerabilities” (historically,.COM objects contained VB source code) if on Windows platform, still allows use of ODBC components so flexible…
Which to Use? n n All have their adherents all can easily go pear shaped… n n Most reliable: all Microsoft? no Microsoft! (but not for the faint-hearted) Some Microsoft: » »Apache/php on Windows
“Mixed” Environments n n e.g. Apache/php on Windows very popular “compromise” option for non-Unix developers Apache web server runs on Windows » »possible to run Access with ODBC drivers » »if on the same platform as IIS… n n each needs a separate TCP port (both go for 80) Popularised in XAMPP » »free to download » »Command-line interface » »contains an implementation of php scripting language » »and an implementation of MySQL… » »doesn’t have Access-type database design components
Unix Scripting & Execution Environments n n For those who like a challenge… Unix/Linux, Apache & PHP » »all open source software » »can therefore save a lot of money but more difficult to get support on “open” products…
More about SQL n n Developed by IBM in 1974 as Structured Query Language took a lot of the tedium out of database programming based on a small number of commands one line of SQL could replace 100 lines of COBOL! n n Popularised by: ORACLE on mid-range systems DB2 on IBM mainframes n n Now the industry standard for databases…
Benefits of knowing SQL when creating server-scripts… n n As you’ll see in today’s practical, when developing server-scripts: generating the right programming code is important » »e.g. input/output knowledge of syntax of that language but the embedded SQL database queries also have to be right... n n It figures that: the more a developer is competent with SQL syntax… the more elaborate the interaction they will be able to achieve with database data
Basics of SQL n SELECT… statement allows field/s to be specified n FROM Allows table/s to be specified n WHERE conditionals based on particular field values n ORDER BY allows results to be ordered by field/s
Associated SQL Constructs (INSERT) n INSERT INTO… statement table (field1, field2, etc.) n VALUES (correspond to fields) n Alternately, a SELECT statement referring to appropriate fields can replace “VALUES”
Associated SQL Constructs (UPDATE) n UPDATE… statement refers to table n SET refers to new value(s) for field(s) in that table n WHERE refers to fieldname in record(s) to be overwritten
Associated SQL Constructs (DELETE) n DELETE… statement again allows fields n FROM again allows tables n WHERE refers to records/fields to be deleted
Datasets – Improving Download Time n controls encourage the creation of intermediate data subsets on the local machine known as “datasets” saves on amount of data downloaded »e.g. fields can all be held in a single table »faster processing and display remote database access becomes a much more dynamic experience for the client/user n VERY important during on-line shopping
Creating Datasets using SQL n These four basic SQL commands can provide a wide range of interaction with relational databases n An SQL “VIEW” can also be created to provide a single dataset from a series of linked tables n Syntax (e.g.): CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT columns FROM table WHERE “predicates”;
Learning SQL with Visual Studio? n The more you know the better it is… n The Object Data Source Wizard in Visual Studio… allows practice in creating/modifying SQL queries with a querybuilder tool provides experience of server scripting, database-script interaction, and SQL queries all at the same time will also come in handy in designing a database to underpin that shopping cart system…