LOGIC MODEL: Moving Forward into the Accountability Era Sharon Schnelle, Presenter Sponsored through
Goals of Training Participants will understand History and overview The basics of logic model planning & development Different logic model formats Available resources
Logic Model training AGENDA Welcome & Introduction Basic Housekeeping information Logic Model Basics Logic Model Development and Planning Skills Practicing the Skills
LOGIC MODEL basics Presents a “snapshot” of a program Graphic representation of the program, “theory” or “action” – what it invests, what it does, and what results are achieved Many different models available – no right way Logical chain of if-then relationships If x occurs then y will occur A logic model is your program ROAD MAP
LOGIC MODEL basics Provides the core of planning and evaluation Helps identify the connection between what we do and impact the program is having Provides a common vocabulary and helps in program planning Helps focus on quality and continuous improvement
Demand for Increased Accountability What gets measured gets done If you don’t measure results, you can’t tell success from failure If you can’t see success, you can’t reward it If you can’t reward success, you’re probably rewarding failure If you can’t see success, you can’t learn from it If you can’t recognize failure, you can’t correct it. If you can demonstrate results, you can win public support. from Re-inventing Government by Osborne and Gaebler, 1992
Logic Model is here to stay Logic model is in widespread use and will increase in influence in the future Private Sector Public Sector: GPRA Non-Profit Sector International Arena Evaluators
Logic Model is used everyday Family Members Budget Car Camping Equipment Drive to state park Set up camp Cook, play, talk, laugh, hike Family members learn about each other; family bonds; family has a good time Imagine the planning that goes into deciding the Family vacation - DESTINATION: A Camping Trip.
What does a logic model look like? Many formats possible. Use what works for your program, agency, group. Graphic display of boxes and arrows, either vertical or horizontal that depicts relationships / linkages Any shape possible o Circular, dynamic o Cultural adaptations; storyboards Level of detail o Simple o Complex Multiple models may be needed to describe and explain complex initiatives or systems.
Sometimes connecting outputs to outcomes is a challenge “I think you should be more explicit here in Step Two.”
Logic Model Vocabulary Goal = Impact Objectives (participant focused) = Outcomes Activities = Outputs Outputs may signify “tangible” accomplishments as a result of activities Impact = Long-term outcome
So, why bother? What’s in this for you? Some of the common comments... “This seems like a lot of work.” “Where in the world would I get all the information to put in a logic model? “I’m a right brain type of person – this isn’t for me.” “Even if we created one, what would we do with it?”
Benefits of Logic Model Provides a common language Helps us differentiate between “what we do” and “results” --- outcomes Increases understanding about program Guides and helps focus work Leads to improved planning and management Increases intentionality and purpose Provides coherence across complex tasks, diverse environments
The benefits that keep on giving Enhances team work Guides prioritization and allocation of resources Motivates staff Helps to identify important variables to measure; use evaluation resources wisely Increases resources, opportunities, recognition Supports replication Often is required!
READY, SET… BEGIN! Determine the purpose of your logic model Who will use it? For what? Involve others Set boundaries for logic model Understand situation Explore research, knowledge base, what others are doing/have done
Logic Model and Planning Applies at any level: national plan, statewide plan, individual plan of work, specific project/activity plan Model vs. more detailed program plan/management plan Focus on outcomes: “start with end in mind” It is a framework for describing the relationships between investments, activities and results. It provides a common approach for integrating planning, implementation, evaluation and reporting.
Check your logic model 1. Is it meaningful? 2. Does it make sense? 3. Is it doable? 4. Can it be verified? Source: University of Wisconsin - Extension
Writing good outcomes SMART objectives: S pecific M easurable A ttainable R esults-oriented T imed Who/what Change ( desired effect )In whatBy when Youth who participate in afterschool reading program increaseTheir average scores on the 4 th grade proficiency The end of school year 2008 Runaway and homeless youth adoptSafety plan for streets Before exiting the shelter Domestic violence perpetrators reduceIncidence of violence against spouse or significant other By end of year one.
Beginning with the end in mind... Needs/asset assessment: What are the characteristics, needs, priorities of target population? What are potential barriers/facilitators? What is most appropriate? Process evaluation: How is program implemented? Fidelity of implementation? Are activities delivered as intended? Are participants being reached as intended? What are participant reactions? Outcome evaluation: To what extent are desired changes occurring? For whom? Is the program making a difference? What seems to work? Not work? What are unintended outcomes?
Staff Money Partners Research Parents gain skills in effective parenting practices Develop parent ed curriculum Deliver series of interactive sessions Parents increase knowledge of child develop Parents better understand their own parenting style Parents use effective parenting practices Improved child- parent relations Facilitate support groups Parents identify appropriate actions to take Strong families Targeted parents attend FOCUS ON EVALUATION: What do you (and others) want to know about this program? To what extent are relations improved? Does this result in stronger families? To what extent did behaviors change? For whom? Why? What else happened? To what extent did knowledge and skills increase? For whom? Why? What else happened? Who/how many attended/did not attend? Did they attend all sessions? Supports groups? Were they satisfied – will they come again? How many sessions were actually delivered? How effectively? # and quality of support groups? What amount of $ and time were invested?
Logic Model Logic Model Exercise 1 Mystery Community Clinic Senior Care Program Logic Model Exercise 2 Group proposed program Logic Model Exercise 3 Your agency problem and program
Sample Logic Model Program Evaluation Logic Model: Mysteries Community Clinic Senior Care Program
Logic Model Limitations Represents reality, but is not reality Focuses on expected outcomes Challenge of causal attribution Many factors influence process and outcomes Doesn’t address whether we are doing the right thing
Contacts Sharon Schnelle, Social Science Researcher