PHP Part 2
Client – Server Model Client Browser Web Server Process PHP script HTTP Request index.php Process PHP script Render HTML &CSS Run JavaScript HTTP Response
Splitting PHP Code PHP code does not have to be contiguous <?php if ($x<5) { ?> <p>There are less than five items.</p> <?php } This is very powerful, yet can be hard to read
PHP and Databases PHP has built in support for over 20 databases Both SQL and NoSQL We’ll be using MySQL an Open Source RDBMS
PHP MySQL Extension MySQL Improved Both procedural and Object Oriented $mysqli = mysqli_connect(“”, “user”, “password”, “database); $res = mysqli_query($mysqli, “SELECT * FROM People”); $mysqli = new mysqli(“”, “user”, “password”, “database); $res = $mysqli->query(“SELECT * FROM People”);
Connecting to DB $mysqli = new mysqli(“localhost”, “user”, “passwd”, “database”); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { echo “Failed to connect to MySQL: (“ . $mysqli->connect_errno . “) “ . $mysqli->connect_error; }
Executing SQL Statements $res = $mysql->query(SQL); if (!mysqli->query(“DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test”) || !mysqli->query(“CREATE TABLE test(id INT)”) || !mysqli->query(“INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (1)”)) { echo “Table creation failed: (“ . $mysqli->errno . “) “ . $mysqli->error; } Drops the table test, Creates a table test with one column id, Inserts a row with the value id==1
Important SQL Commands SELECT – extracts data UPDATE – updates data DELETE – deletes data INSERT INTO – inserts new data CREATE DATABASE – creates new database ALTER DATABASE – modifies database CREATE TABLE – creates new table ALTER TABLE – modifies table DROP TABLE – deletes table
PHP Select Query Selects records from a table SELECT col1,col2,… FROM table $res = $mysqli->query(“SELECT name, age FROM People”); while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) { echo “Name: “ . $row[‘name’] . “ is “ . $row[‘age’]; } $res->free();
Select Query SELECT col1,col2,… FROM table WHERE col oper value [AND | OR] col oper value Filters the records returned Operators: =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, BETWEEN, LIKE, IN
SELECT ORDER BY Orders the records returned SELECT col1,col2,… FROM table ORDER BY col1,col2,… ASC|DESC $res = $mysqli->query(“SELECT * FROM Persons ORDER BY age”);
INSERT Query Inserts a record into the table INSERT INTO table (col1,col2,…) VALUES (val1,val2,…) Column names are optional Must have a value for each column $res = $mysqli->query(“INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, ‘fred’)”);
UPDATE Query Updates record(s) in the table UPDATE table SET col1=val1,col2=val2,… WHERE some_col=some_val WHERE clause can have AND OR statements WHERE clause chooses which records to change $res = $mysqli->query(“UPDATE test SET name=‘fred’ WHERE id=3”);
DELETE Query Deletes records from a table DELETE FROM table WHERE some_col=some_val $res = $mysqli->query(“DELETE FROM test WHERE name=‘fred’”);
SQL Injection It is common to allow web users to input their own values <?php $stmt = “SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = “ . $_POST[‘user_id’]; ?> What if they typed ‘3 or 1=1’? SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id = 3 or 1=1 What if they typed ‘5; DROP TABLE Sales’?
Solution Use Prepared Statements Prepared statements have place holders ‘?’ They are bound before execution <?php if(!($stmt = $mysqli->prepare(“INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES (?)”))) { echo “Prepare failed”; } $id = 2; if (!stmt->bind_param(“i”, $id)) { echo “Bind failed”; for($id = 1; $id < 5; $id++) { if (!stmt->execute()) { echo “Execute failed”; $stmt->close(); ?>