Chapter 3 Bullets and Numbers
Bullets To start a list, click the bullets command Home tab Press Enter, a new bulleted point is added.
Numbers To make a numbered list, click the numbered list button.
Bullets and Numbers To add another level, press the Tab key on the new bulleted point. To cancel, press Enter twice.
Practice Create a list as below.
Chapter 4 Cut and Paste
To move information from one place to another place. Cut button Paste button
Cut and Paste Select ‘My name is Peter’. Click Cut button. Place the cursor in the beginning. Click Paste button
Practice Type the sentences. I come from class 4A. My name is Mary. Reorder the sentences using Cut and Paste.
Chapter 5 Copy and Paste
To copy information from one place to another. Save time to retype the information. Copy button Paste button
Copy and Paste Select ‘One for all.’ Click Copy button. Place the cursor at the back. Click Paste button.
Practice Type the sentences. One for all. All for one. Use Copy and Paste to make the below sentences. One for all. All for one. One for all.
Chapter 6 Insert Table
To create a table in document. Insert Tab Table menu button Click on Table menu button.
Insert Table Click on the last cell of the highlighted selection.
Practice Insert a table and fill in the below information.
Chapter 7 Insert Picture
To insert a picture to a document. Insert Tab Picture button Click the Picture button. Locate the picture that you want to insert. Double-click the picture.
Insert Picture Change the size of the picture by dragging the points.
Practice Insert some pictures into your document. Change the sizes of your pictures.
Chapter 8 Crop To Shape
To remove unwanted areas of a picture. Insert a picture and select it. Under Picture Tools, click the bottom half of the Crop button.
Crop To Shape Click on Crop to Shape option. Select a shape. Press Enter.
Crop To Shape Areas outside the shape are removed.
Practice Steps: 1. Insert a picture and select it. 2. Under Picture Tools, click the bottom half of the Crop button. 3. Click on Crop to Shape option. 4. Select a shape. 5. Press Enter.
Chapter 8 Edit A Picture
Insert a picture and select it.
Edit A Picture Under Picture Tools, click the Format tab.
Edit A Picture Click Remove Background, then click Keep Changes.
Edit A Picture Click Artistic Effects.
Edit A Picture Select an effect.
Edit A Picture Click on the More button in Picture Styles.
Edit A Picture Click on Metal Oval
Edit A Picture