A 31 year-old twice-convicted robber became the first California state prisoner to receive a heart transplant. He suffered from a viral infection that had damaged his heart valves. Should 1 million dollars of taxpayer money be spent on a convict who was imprisoned for a violent felony?
Scientist argued that without the ability to use animals for experimentation, humans would have to be used and sometimes harmed or killed in the search for medical cures. These scientists also argue that animals have much less value than human beings, so it is morally correct to use them for experimentation. Animal rights activists counter that animals are thinking, feeling beings that suffer pain to the same degree as humans, and it is immoral to put an animal through suffering just so humans can make medical and scientific progress. What do you think? Explain your answer concerning this.
You run an orphanage and have had a hard time making ends meet. A car dealership offers you a new van worth $15,000 for free if you will falsely report to the government that the dealership donated a van worth $30,000. You really need the van and it will give you an opportunity to make the children happy. Do you agree to take the van or do you refuse it. Explain your answer and why you made that decision.