(clip art of open hands or something resembling stewardship)
Stewardship What does it mean to be a steward? How can we begin to see ourselves as stewards? – heart attitudes of a steward – actions of a steward
Stewardship What does it mean to be a steward? How can we begin to see ourselves as stewards? – heart attitudes of a steward – actions of a steward
What Is A Steward? a person who manages another's property or financial affairs (Dictionary.com) We desire for those who affiliate with the church to reject the temptation to be consumers of a ministry product, but rather participants in a calling. For this reason, we will not refer to individuals in the church as members, but as Stewards. (Discovery)
A Steward Is Rich Toward God (v. 15) Guarding against covetousness Seeing possessions as resources for good With ALL of their time, talents, and treasure Not comparing themselves to others
In what ways might you be hoarding? How are you being rich toward God? How can you be? How are you guarding against covetousness?
A Steward Puts His Treasure In Heaven (vv ) Not worrying (v. 32) As recipients of the Kingdom (v. 33) Selling possessions and giving to the poor (v. 34) Because of where his heart is
V. 34 (put this verse on a side by itself, too)
A Steward Puts His Treasure In Heaven (vv ) Not worrying (v. 32) As recipients of the Kingdom (v. 33) Selling possessions and giving to the poor (v. 34) Because of where his heart is
Thinking about your life, what areas do you worry about most? Where is your heart? Where are your actions? Where are you currently investing your time, talents, and treasure? – Where would you like to invest more?
A Steward Is Ready (v. 37) Knowing his Master will serve him (v. 46) Taking his Master seriously (v. 47) Taking action (v. 48) Stewarding what has been entrusted to him
What have you been entrusted with? Are you ready?
Stewardship vs. Ownership AN OWNER IS: covetous shrewd and tight-fisted worried preoccupied with their possessions not ready for the Master’s return WHILE A STEWARD IS: content shrewd, open-handed trusting market by great generosity ready