Proverbs Teaches on Fools
Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Way of Righteousness Way of Sin/Wickedness Applying God’s Truth to Life Rejecting God’s Truth for Life
NaiveFool (kesil) Fool (ewil) Scorner
Morally open; spacious; easily persuaded or misled; gullible ♦ Appears 14 times in Proverbs ♦ All humans are born “naïve” (open; trusting) ♦ Proverbs 1:4 ♦ Proverbs 7:7; 14:15 ♦ Proverbs 1:32 Characteristic of youth Is wayward Lacks (common) sense; is gullible Learns from: Proverbs 1:4; 21:11; 22:3 ♦ Proverbs 1:22 Loves simplicity ♦ Proverbs 27:12 Can’t foresee trouble
♦ Appears 50 times in Proverbs ♦ Proverbs 18:2, 6-7 ♦ Proverbs 1:22 ♦ Proverbs 10:18, 23 ♦ Proverbs 15:20; 17:21 ♦ Proverbs 1:32; 13:20; 26:10 To be morally sluggish; thickheaded; obstinate; stupid Is vocal and causes strife Enjoys sin; spreads slander Grieves/despises parents Not interested in learning Destroys self and others Learns by: Proverbs 19:29 ♦ Proverbs 14:16 Is proud ♦ Proverbs 26:11 Repeats folly/mistakes
♦ Appears 42 times in Proverbs ♦ Proverbs 12:15 ♦ Proverbs 20:3 ♦ Proverbs 1:7; 15:5 ♦ Proverbs 10:21; 19:3 ♦ Proverbs 17:12; 27:3; 29:9 Morally deficient; stubborn; rebellious; rejects truth Always thinks he is right Is often argumentative ♦ Proverbs 15:2; 24:9 Learns by: Prov. 22:15; 27:22 Spouts out sinful folly Despises counsel/discipline Brings ruin; blames God Dangerous to mess with ♦ Proverbs 14:1 Destroys his family
Turned aside; speak indirectly ♦ Appears 14 times in Proverbs ♦ Deepest level of fool; hardened heart ♦ Proverbs 21:24 ♦ Proverbs 22:10 ♦ Proverbs 19:25; 21:11 Punishment does NOT bring repentance ♦ Only God can change him Is set in his sin and pride Unteachable; hates any who seek to reprove him Always brings strife ♦ Proverbs 9:8; 13:1; 15:12 Awaits judgment (19:29)
Do you see any of these characteristics in you? Simple ♦ Doesn’t see trouble ahead (walks into it) ♦ Gullible ♦ Loves simplicity ♦ Lacks common sense ♦ Is wayward
Do you see any of these characteristics in you? Fool (kesil) ♦ Causes strife ♦ Enjoys sin ♦ Grieves parents ♦ Slow learner ♦ Destroys self and others ♦ Repeats mistakes
Do you see any of these characteristics in you? Fool (ewil) ♦ Always right? ♦ Argumentative ♦ Despises discipline ♦ Brings ruin; blames God ♦ Destroys his family
Do you see any of these characteristics in you? Scorner ♦ Unrepentant ♦ Set in sin/pride ♦ Unteachable ♦ Lives in strife ♦ Hates reproof
Proverbs wants you to see yourself in the mirror Worksheet NaiveFool (kesil) Fool (ewil) Scorner Proverbs 7:7; 14:15 Proverbs 1:22 Proverbs 1:32 Proverbs 27:12 Learns from: Proverbs 1:22 Proverbs 18:2, 6-7 Proverbs 10:18, 23 Proverbs 1:32; 13:20; 26:10 Proverbs 14:16 Proverbs 12:15 Proverbs 20:3 Proverbs 1:7; 15:5 Proverbs 15:2; 24:9 Learns from: Proverbs 21:24 Proverbs 22:10 Proverbs 9:8; 13:1 Proverbs 13:1; 15:12 Learns from: Proverbs 26:11 Proverbs 15:20: 17:21 Learns from: Proverbs 10;21; 19:3 Proverbs 14:1 Proverbs 17:12; 29:9 Proverbs 19:25;21:11