›Warm up- what do you think the periodic table trend or pattern for density is? –It is ok if you do not know! Just make a guess! ›What is the unit or formula for measuring density? Activity 8: Measuring Volume
Density and the Periodic Table
Formula for Density
›Mineral oil is less dense than water. ›Mercury, a liquid metal, is denser than water. › If mineral oil, mercury, and water were mix together, what would the substance look like? Density Extension
›Please make a new page in your notebook called “Notebook Score.” Not doing so automatically means losing points! ›I will be grading them this weekend. ›Scoring guide on OneNote. OneNote Notebook Check Today!
Activity 7 Analysis Questions
›Physical properties- things that can be measured/observed without changing the chemical composition. –Ex: size, color, density, mass ›Density can be estimated by comparing between substances (ex: water and Lego) ›The formula for density is Density=mass/volume ›A substance that is more dense than water will sink, but a less dense object will float. ›You cannot identify the metal solids YET. Coming in Activity 10! In Case You Missed It…
›Metric unit used to measure length: ›Metric unit used to measure liquids/capacity: ›Metric unit used to measure mass: Metric Reminders!
›Milli- –How many milliliters are in a liter? ›Centi- –How many centimeters are in a meter? ›Deca- –How many meters are in a decameter? ›Kilo- –How many grams are in a kilogram? Metric Reminders: Prefixes
›Please open your books to page A32 Activity 8: Measuring Volume
›How would you arrange these objects from least volume to greatest volume? ›Record your answer on Activity 8.1a Student Sheet. Volume: How can you measure it?
›Density is mass/volume. ›How do you define volume? Density vs Volume
›The cube below has a mass of 9 grams. Will it float or sink in water? Explain and use evidence. Group Question
›There are 2: –Measurement and calculation ›Only for regular shaped objects –Water displacement ›For irregular shaped objects Ways to Measure Volume
›What formula do you use to measure volume? Measurement and Calculation Object CubeCylinderBar Irregular object Formula
Water Displacement
›Each pair should determine the volume of: – one bar –one cylinder –one cube –Then exchange objects with the other pair at their table. ›Groups of 3 work together. ›Record data on Student Sheet 8.1b Your turn!
Class Comparison ObjectMethod Used MeasurementsFormula and CalculationsVolume Light gray bar Dark gray bar Light gray cube Dark gray cube Light gray cylinder Dark gray cylinder
›Quantitative- ›Qualitative- Quantitative vs Qualitative
›On your own, with a partner, or with your group, work on Analysis Questions 1-6. ›Omit #2 and #5 ›They should be done in your OneNote notebook. ›Make a new page for the questions. Title it “Activity 8 Analysis Questions.” ›Question 6 is a UC assessment! Analysis Questions
Activity 8 UC Assessment