SQLite Android Club 2015
SQLite About onCreate Insert Select Update Delete onUpdate
About SQLite Created in August 2000, by Richard Hipp For Guided missile destroyer
Why SQLite? Relational database No need for DBMS (Oracle, SQL Server) Light (takes only 0,3MB) One file (.sqlite or.db) Super Fast Text Search up to 1ms (6000+ms -> 150ms) ACID
Atomicity – all or nothing Consistency – valid state to another Isolation – one after the other Durability – no effect of power loss, crash, error
SQLite supported by Java JavaScript Objective-C Swift PHP C C# Ruby Python C++ And 30+ others
Create: example public class MyDatabase extends SQLiteOpenHelper{ SQLiteDatabase db; public MyDatabase(Context context) { super(context, "WIUT", null, 1); db = getWritableDatabase(); public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { String sql = "CREATE TABLE student(id TEXT,name TEXT);"; db.execSQL(sql); Log.d("ACLog", sql); public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { } }
Create: practice Create SQLiteOpenHelper class: StoreDatabase Database name: Store Version: 1 Create table: product(id TEXT, name TEXT, price INT)
INSERT: example public void insert(){ String sql = "INSERT INTO student(id, name) VALUES('8888','Kain Saridzawa‘)"; db.execSQL(sql); }
INSERT: practice Insert to product table: id: 1 name: Mineral water price: 1000
UPDATE: example public void update(){ String sql = "UPDATE student SET name='Joe Richard' WHERE id='8888'"; db.execSQL(sql); }
UPDATE: practice Update Mineral Water price to 1500
DELETE: example public void delete(){ String sql = "DELETE FROM student WHERE id='8888')"; db.execSQL(sql); }
DELETE: practice Delete Mineral Water from products table
Homework To-do list application Add task Update task Delete task Show task list
Questions? Any quesitons?
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