LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ ACTION 2: SERVICE ARCHITECTURE & IMPLEMENTATION Activity 2.1: Design and implementation of knowledge based support for user description in both waste stream and solution provider domain (UoS) Activity 2.2: Design and implementation of semantic web service platform to support symVIOTic matching among users (AVCO) Activity 2.3: Design and implementation of analysis, feedback and interface tools (AVCO) Activity 2.4: Design and implementation of semantic web operation and portal (CLMS)
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ Ontology Tools The tools for ontology development. All the available tools for ontology development have been considered. The two most appropriate are: TopBraid Commercial Product Offers extensive capabilities Protege2000 Open-source product Less capabilities Questionable support Being ordered Currently in use
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ Matchmaking Matchmaking is the process of finding and matching correspondences between two ontologies (i.e. matching a waste with a technology/solution). Matchmaking is an area of research. Existing matchmakers are not suitable to be used as they are. Alterations are required. Matchmaking
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ Matching algorithms under consideration Vector Based Methods Similarity Aggregation Similarity Flooding Experiments are being carried out. Matching algorithms
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ Upper Ontologies Are ontologies that describe very general concepts. Can help in sharing and re-using. Can help in matching. For that reasons the UoS team is developing such an ontology for the Industrial Symbiosis domain. It describes the main concepts used in Industrial Symbiosis along with the general properties that describe those concepts. The following conceptual model is a first draft of the upper ontology for eSymbiosis. Ontology Development
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ The Industrial Symbiosis Upper Level Ontology (Draft #1) Ontology Development
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ Existing Ontologies The UoS team is considering reusing some of the following ontologies. UNSPSC Ontology - Products and services classification NAICS Ontology NACE Ontology ISIC Ontology for Industry Classification Time Ontology Units of Measurement Ontology Geospatial Ontologies Process Ontologies Ontology Development
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ Demo Ontology The following demo ontology has been developed. This ontology will be used to: Test the functionality of the web application. Identify any issues or needs. Test the potential use of an upper ontology. Test the matchmaking facility. To serve as a common language between the consortium members. Ontology Development
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ The Graph of the Demo Ontology (Draft #1) Demo Ontology
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ After establishing the requirements for the web platform the UoS team will: Develop a light weight ontology (i.e. an ontology based on the classifications) that will capture the knowledge in the domain of waste stream and solution provider technologies. Enrich the ontology by adding properties and restrictions in order to facilitate IS practice. Integrate to our system any existing ontologies that can be useful in describing the knowledge of the IS domain. Next Steps
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance project: LIFE09 ENV/GR/ The matchmaking algorithm will be developed and tested in parallel with the ontology development. The ontologies will be regularly tested against the matchmaker and the web platform with collaboration with the other partners. Next Steps