MEASURING INDUSTRIAL, RESELLER, AND GOVERNMENT MARKETS Slide 6-10 North American Industry Classification System NAICS assigns only one code to each organization based on its major economic activity 5-digit national industry codes are not available for for all three countries when too few organizations exist in a category
Slide 6-11 NAICS breakdown for information industries sector: NAICS code 51 (abbreviated)
CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BUYING Slide 6-15 Demand Characteristics Derived Demand Derived Demand Size of the Order or Purchase Number of Potential Buyers
Slide 6-19 Key organizational buying criteria
THE ORGANIZATIONAL BUYING PROCESS AND THE BUYING CENTER Slide 6-26 The Buying Center: A Cross-Functional Group Buying Center Buying Center
Slide 6-29 Five roles in the buying center
Slide 6-32 Three types of buying situations or buy classes
Slide 6-60 The NAICS provides common industry definitions for Canada, Mexico, and the U.S., which make easier the measurement of economic activity in the three member countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Slide 6-61 Derived demand means the demand for industrial products and services is driven by, or derived from, demand for consumer products and services. Derived Demand
Slide 6-64 A buying center is made up of several people in an organization who participate in the buying process. Buying Center