Planning for Growth Standing Conference 12 June 2015
Introduction Rhian Kyte Strategic & Development Plans
What is Economic Development? Any form of development that generates wealth, jobs and income (Planning Policy Wales /TAN 23 Economic Development)
Planning Policy Wales Offices General industrial Storage/Distribution Retail development Tourism Public Services Agriculture Energy generation
What can planning do? Identify Sites for economic land use Safeguard existing economic development
What can planning do? Identify critical infrastructure for planned growth Positive Policy Framework for Economic Growth
Employment Allocations
Employment Allocations and Protected Sites
Employment and Retail
Employment, Retail & Tourism
Employment, Retail, Tourism & Housing
Employment, Retail, Tourism, Housing and Transport
New Horizons Replacement Plan New development opportunities Market realities Transformational change
Future Planning for Economic Growth Market Forces do not respect local authority boundaries Cardiff Capital Region Strategic Planning for Economic Development
How much Growth?? Economically Active Population 192,250 residents 12,400 New homes
House Building Major driver of Economic Growth
Employment Strategically located Visually prominent Serviced Limited abnormal costs Available to the market
Town Centres Key Employment Sector Vibrant towns Diversification Night Time Economy