LESSON OBJECTIVES 60 minute lesson 60 minute lesson TEKS - (8.1) A. demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas Safety Standards TEKS - (8.1) A. demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas Safety Standards Objective - “Today, I will learn to use safe practices during laboratory and field investigations. “ Objective - “Today, I will learn to use safe practices during laboratory and field investigations. “
TEXAS COLLEGE AND CAREERS READINESS STANDARDS Science Standards Science Standards 1. Nature of Science: Scientific Ways of Learning and Thinking 1. Nature of Science: Scientific Ways of Learning and Thinking C. Collaborative and safe working practices C. Collaborative and safe working practices 2. Understand and apply safe procedures in the laboratory and field, including chemical, electrical and fire safety and safe handling of live or preserved organisms 2. Understand and apply safe procedures in the laboratory and field, including chemical, electrical and fire safety and safe handling of live or preserved organisms
VOCABULARY Flammable – easily set on fire, inflammable Flammable – easily set on fire, inflammable Corrosive – eating away, harmful, destructive Corrosive – eating away, harmful, destructive MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet, procedures for handling or working with that material in a safe manner MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet, procedures for handling or working with that material in a safe manner Reagents – a substance used in chemical reactions Reagents – a substance used in chemical reactions
THE HOOK 10 minutes 10 minutes Explain some of the labs we will be doing throughout the school year. Explain some of the labs we will be doing throughout the school year. Explain than before we can do these labs we have to learn safe laboratory practices. Explain than before we can do these labs we have to learn safe laboratory practices. Hand out the Flinn Student Safety Contracts to go over. Hand out the Flinn Student Safety Contracts to go over.
THE LESSON 40 minutes 40 minutes Go through each “rule” and use demonstrations to emphasize important ones. Go through each “rule” and use demonstrations to emphasize important ones. # 10 – Keep aisles clear. Push your chair under the desk when no in use. # 10 – Keep aisles clear. Push your chair under the desk when no in use. Demonstrate what to do if some one needs to be escorted to the eye wash or shower and how clutters aisles can be problematic. Demonstrate what to do if some one needs to be escorted to the eye wash or shower and how clutters aisles can be problematic. # 23 – Any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used, students will wear laboratory goggles. # 23 – Any time chemicals, heat or glassware are used, students will wear laboratory goggles. Have students guess how far the pipette will shoot water or have volunteers engage in a competition and explain how this relates to the rule Have students guess how far the pipette will shoot water or have volunteers engage in a competition and explain how this relates to the rule # 25 – Long hair must be tied back… # 25 – Long hair must be tied back… Have students guess how fast it will take for the hair to ignite Have students guess how fast it will take for the hair to ignite
# 28 – if you or your lab partner are hurt, immediately yell out “Code one, Code one” to get the instructors attention. # 28 – if you or your lab partner are hurt, immediately yell out “Code one, Code one” to get the instructors attention. Instruct and demonstrate to students as to what to do in this situation. Instruct and demonstrate to students as to what to do in this situation. # 31 – All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. # 31 – All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. Have students hypothesize as to what is going to happen during the reaction. Have students hypothesize as to what is going to happen during the reaction.
ASSESSMENT The next day have an oral quiz with the students by giving them different laboratory scenarios and asking what the student in the scenario is doing wrong what actions they should take. The next day have an oral quiz with the students by giving them different laboratory scenarios and asking what the student in the scenario is doing wrong what actions they should take. Ex. Ex. A student with long hair (or loose clothing) is heating a solution over a Bunsen burner. As the student leans over the burner to reach for something, their hair (or clothing) catches fire. What did the student do wrong? What actions should they take now?
MISCONCEPTIONS “Flammable and Inflammable are opposites” “Flammable and Inflammable are opposites” “The chemicals we used aren’t dangerous” “The chemicals we used aren’t dangerous” “I can take off my goggles as long as my group is done with the experiment” “I can take off my goggles as long as my group is done with the experiment” “It is ok to put unused chemicals back into the bottle” “It is ok to put unused chemicals back into the bottle” “It is ok to dump all chemicals down the drain” “It is ok to dump all chemicals down the drain”
ELPS AND SPED ELPS ELPS c2D: Monitor understanding and seek clarification c2D: Monitor understanding and seek clarification c2E: Use visual, contextual linguistic support to confirm and enhance understanding c2E: Use visual, contextual linguistic support to confirm and enhance understanding SPED SPED Using visual examples and demonstrations Using visual examples and demonstrations Seating in the front where the demonstrations are taking place Seating in the front where the demonstrations are taking place
MATERIALS AND SAFETY GUIDELINES Flinn Student Safety Contract Flinn Student Safety Contract Pipette Pipette Clean water Clean water Goggles Goggles Hair (real or synthetic) Hair (real or synthetic) Matches or lighter Paper towels 2 Beakers Sulfuric Acid Sugar Hair burning and sulfuric acid demonstration must be performed in a properly working fume hood Have one beaker filled with water inside the fume hood to put out the fire from the hair
REFERENCES Flinn Student Safety Contract Flinn Student Safety Contract =2&ved=0CEAQ6QUoAjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flinnsci.com%2Fteacher- resources%2Fsafety%2Fgeneral-laboratory- safety%2F&ei=mkNjUZe4HcqJ2gXktIHABQ&usg=AFQjCNGycfGGjbeXEvXcyRPGMoKyJ YXEcA&sig2=rI-ePN3tJoqz_z0QOyb7Dg&bvm=bv ,d.aWM =2&ved=0CEAQ6QUoAjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flinnsci.com%2Fteacher- resources%2Fsafety%2Fgeneral-laboratory- safety%2F&ei=mkNjUZe4HcqJ2gXktIHABQ&usg=AFQjCNGycfGGjbeXEvXcyRPGMoKyJ YXEcA&sig2=rI-ePN3tJoqz_z0QOyb7Dg&bvm=bv ,d.aWM Lab Safety Scenarios Lab Safety Scenarios Sulfuric Acid MSDS Sulfuric Acid MSDS wwwsci.seastarchemicals.com/safety/03SulphuricMSDSRev pdf