GOING TO THE DOCTOR Prof. Teresita Rojas González
Provide the missing information according to the video Physical examination: Respiratory rate: Heart rate: Rest of physical examination: Symptoms of neonatal infection: poor vitality tachycardia tachypnea poor vitality tachycardia tachypnea cyanosis paleness jaundice cyanosis paleness jaundice respiratory distress respiratory distress normal 136 beats per minute normal
Close up: Some nurses´ actions Instructions: Lie down to take your pulse and blood pressure, please Relax, please Would you turn on your left side, please? Close your eyes, breathe in and out slowly, please
Psychological support: Don´t worry. You´re much better than two weeks ago You´re getting better and better You´ll be back to normal in no time In a little while you will be OK Be sure to ask for help if you need
Nursing actions: Make the bed Give pills Shake the thermometer Take the vital signs Give injections Write observations on charts Administer medications
Write whether these statements are instructions (I) or actions (A) Help the patient to bath __ Help the patient to bath __ Give shots __ Please, open and close your hand __ Take your clothes off, please? __ Make the bed __ Take the vital signs __ Would you hold your breath, please?
Write whether these statements are instructions (I) or actions (A) Help the patient to bath __ Help the patient to bath __ Give shots __ Please,open and close your hand __ Take your clothes off, please? __ Make the bed __ Take the vital signs __ Would you hold your breath, please? A A A A I I I
Which are the “five rights” a nurse must check? ___ The right patient ___ The right patient ___ The right doctor ___ The right doctor ___ The right drug ___ The right drug ___ The right bed ___ The right bed ___ The right time ___ The right time ___ The right family ___ The right family ___ The right dose ___ The right dose ___ The right route ___ The right route X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X
Fill in the blanks with words in the box below inform – dose – procedure – route – side effects – write down 1.A medication´s ________ is based on weight and size 2. The ______ is the way to introduce a drug into the body 3. The nurse should ________allergies and possible__________ 4. A nurse should ___________ a drug´s administration after it is performed
Fill in the blanks with words in the box below know – dose – procedure – route – side effects – write down 1.A medication ________ is based on weight and size 2. The _______ is the way to introduce a drug into the body 3. The nurse should _________ about allergies and possible_____________ 4. A nurse should ___________ a drug administration after it is performed dose route know side effects write down
Utensils in the dressing trolley Towel Kidney dish Sterile dressings Sterile instruments (eg. scissors and forceps) Bandage tray Bottles containing antiseptic solutions A container for used instruments A paper container for contaminated dressings
Select some of the utensils nurses need when working in a gynecological ward __ towel __ latex gloves __ antiseptics __ cotton wool __ paper towel __ speculum
Select some of the devices or utensils nurses need in the trolley when working in a gynecological ward __ adhessive plaster __ latex gloves __ scissors __ cotton wool __ stethoscope __ speculum __ antiseptics √ √ √ √
A hospital admission form Date of admission _______________________ Name __________________________________ Date of birth ______ Marital status __________ Age _____ Sex ___Occupation _____________ Address ________________________________ Next of kin _______ Relationship __________ Medical diagnosis ________________________ Past medical history ______________________ Family history ___________________________ Allergies ________________________________
Be ready to find the following information while you watch the video PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: GENERAL STATUS: TREATMENT:
Be ready to find the following information while you watch the video PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Type I diabetes Type I diabetes GENERAL STATUS: Generally stable Generally stable TREATMENT: Medication for the pain Medication for the pain
Study the following notes and be ready to prepare a handover report Name: Diane Hill Age: 73 Room: 12 Doctor: Brown History of HBP and arrhythmias Complains of cold sweats and difficulty to breathe Takes Enalapril 1 tablet every 12 hours Tests: Urinalysis New Orders: ECG, Urinalysis for tomorrow
Handover report This is a 73 year old patient who suffers from arrhythmias and high blood pressure. She came to the Emergency Room with cold sweats and difficulty to breathe. Her BP was 180/110, she was medicated with diuretics and Captopril. She experienced relief within half an hour. She is scheduled for urinalisys and ECG.
Some useful hints to conduct a ward round or a handover report Do not refer to genre when watching a patient Do not refer to genre when watching a patient e.g. The patient is better now e.g. The patient is better now Use the –ing form after preposition e.g. After checking his BP again a medication e.g. After checking his BP again a medication was prescribed was prescribed When giving indications: e.g: As you can see, the patient needs to rest. e.g: As you can see, the patient needs to rest.
Use expressions like: On admission, On physical exam, After the clinical assessment physical exam, After the clinical assessment e.g. On admission, the patient was nauseated e.g. On admission, the patient was nauseated Use tags for questions e.g. The operation was successful, wasn´t it? e.g. The operation was successful, wasn´t it? For cultural reasons, use abbreviations e.g. I want to know about her BP
Be ready to prepare a handover report based on the following notes 50 years old - school teacher- room 1- CC: chest pain - sweatings, shortness of breath, paleness - history of HBP and obesity - previous irregular treatment - vital signs: T: normal, P: 98/min - scheduled for glysemia, ECG tomorrow