Current challenges for health systems Increasing elderly population –Relative decrease in resources (fewer taxpayers), chronic patients Financial sustainability of care –Technologies, informed/demanding patients; chronic diseases Healthcare expenditure growing faster than the economy Fewer health care professionals Health care as a Human Right
WHAT can we do? Sustainable healthcare through the use of integrated ICT tools
HOW can we achieve this? EMPOWER INTEGRATE (ensure continuity of care) ENGAGE
EMPOWERING secure online access for patients to their medical health data widespread deployment of telemedicine services
CONTINUITY OF CARE + INTEROPERABILITY Define minimum common set of patient data for interoperability of patient records across the EU Art 14 Directive on cross-border care Piloting through epSOS project
epSOS Pilot Project Goal for the epSOS eHealth Project: –“enable secure access a basic patient summary and ePrescription services across borders in Europe” 23 countries,.be,.ch,.cz,.de,.dk,.ee,.gr,.es,.fi,.fr,.hu,.it,.mt,.nl,.no,.pl,.pt,.se,.sk,.sl,.tr Real life testing will start in October 2011 (no piloting sites in UK)
ENGAGE European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing eHealth Network – Cross- border care Directive Art 14 eHealth Task Force EU Research and Innovation
European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing AIM To add 2 years to the average healthy lifespan in the EU by 2020 FOCUS Prevention and health promotion Integrated health and social care Independent, active living for elderly people
Directive on cross-border care (2011/24/EU) Adopted on 9 March 2011 Deadline for implementation in Member States 25 October 2013 clarifies the rules on access to healthcare in another EU country, including reimbursement eHealth, including telemedicine, are also covered by the rules on reimbursement
eHealth Network – Cross-border care Directive Art 14 A mechanism to Implement Art 14 –draw up the guidelines on patient summaries, use of data for research and public health –support Member States in developing common identification and authentication measures to facilitate transferability of data in cross-border healthcare. Participants: Member States Representatives Timeline: 2012 (tbc)
eHealth Task Force A High level group of advisors reporting directly to Vice President Kroes and Commissioner Dalli Objective: Look at the future advice to unlock innovation in Health Participants: individual with track records of innovative approach to their sector (not all necessarily from Health) Timeline: Final Report 2 Q 2012
Supporting change Research: Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), H2020 Innovation Competitiveness Innovation Programme (CIP ICT PSP) European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Active and Healthy Ageing (2011) Both supported by Policy actions
Healthcare systems are under pressure EC is committed to support MS and healthcare providers in meeting these challenges –eHealth can help –Same challenges can be best answered by cooperation and sharing experiences – “epSOS docet” –Partnership between industry and local, regional, national health authorities is key to achieve success Conclusions
Thank you! Director General, Directorate General for the Information Society Follow me on Twitter Digital Agenda for Europe ICT for Health