Chap 8. Sequencing and Control
8.1 Introduction Binary information in a digital computer –data manipulated in a datapath with ALUs, registers, multiplexers, and buses –control provide signals that activate the various microoperations & determine the sequence in which the various actions are performs Synchronous digital system –Achieve synchronism by a master clock generator –Control unit Generates binary variables that control the selection inputs of multiplexers, buses, ALUs, & load control inputs of registers
8.1 Introduction Control unit –a sequential circuit with state that dictate the control signals for the system using status conditions and control inputs, the sequential control unit determines the next state, in which additional microoperations are activated –2 distinct types of control units For programmable system For nonprogrammable system
8.1 Introduction Programmable system –Input: a sequence of instructions Instructions specify the operations the system is to perform –instructions are stored in memory (RAM or ROM) –program counter (PC) provide the address in memory of the instructions to be executed –executing an instruction activating the necessary sequence of microoperations in the datapath that are required to perform the operation specified by the instruction Non-programmable system –not responsible for obtaining instructions, nor for sequencing the execution of those instructions –determines the operation to be performed & the sequence of those operations, based on only its inputs and the status bits
8.2 Algorithmic State Machines Data processing tasks –register transfer operations controlled by a sequencing mechanism –can be specified as a hardware algorithm that consists of a finite number of procedural steps which perform the data processing task Flowchart –a convenient way to specify a sequence of procedural steps & decision paths for an hardware algorithm ASM (Algorithmic State Machine) –describes a sequence of events, as well as the timing relationship between the states & actions –Cf) S/W program – S/W algorithm - Flowchart
8.2 Algorithmic State Machines ASM Chart Elements –state box : register transfer operations or output signals –decision box : describes the effect of inputs on the control –conditional output box : from decision box RUN
8.2 Algorithmic State Machines ASM chart –State diagram for the sequential circuit part of the control unit An ASM block –One state block –All of the decision and conditional output boxes connected between the state box exit and entry paths to the same or other state boxes.
8.2 Algorithmic State Machines ASM Timing Consideration 0 1 Register transfers and state changes both wait until the next positive clock edge.
8.3 Decision Example: Binary Multiplier multiplies 2 unsigned binary numbers Binary Multiplier a copy of the multiplicand is added to a partial product & the partial product is stored in a register for the shift action the partial product is shifted to the right (adder is needed for only n bit positions instead of 2n bit)
8.3 Decision Example: Binary Multiplier Hardware Multiplication Example Partial product ; stored in a register in preparation for the shift action to follow n-bits Partial product Copy of multiplicand +
8.3 Decision Example: Binary Multiplier Block Diagram for Binary Multiplier 4
8.3 Decision Example: Binary Multiplier –multiplicand is loaded into register B from IN –multiplier is loaded into register Q from IN –partial product is formed in reg A, & stored in reg A & Q –C F/F stored the carry C out & shifted into the MSB of A, –LSB of A is shifted into the MSB of Q, & LSB of Q is discarded –Q 0 holds the bit of the multiplier that must be considered next –counter P count the number of add-shift or shift actions initially set to n-1 & counted down
8.3 Decision Example: Binary Multiplier ASM Chart for Multiplier –[IDLE]: multiplication process starts when G becomes 1 (ASM moves from state IDLE to state MUL0) –[MUL0]: a decision is made based on Q0 –[MUL1]: a right shift is performed on C, A, & Q C 0, C A Q sr C A Q
8.4 Hardwired Control 2 distinct aspects to deal with –control of the microoperations part of the control that generates the control signals Table 8-1 –sequencing of the control unit & microoperations part of the control that determines what happens next Table 8-2
8.4 Hardwired Control Control signals for binary multiplier –based on the ASM chart
8.4 Hardwired Control Sequencing Part of ASM Chart –information on sequencing is represented with information on microoperations removed –conditional output boxes are removed –decision box not affecting the next state is removed –design the sequencing part of the control unit with the ASM chart i.e. the part that represents the next- state behavior
8.4 Hardwired Control Sequence Register and Decoder –provide an output signal corresponding to each of the states –A register with n F/Fs can have up to 2 n states & n-to-2 n decoder has up to 2 n outputs, one for each of the states –consist of 3 states and 2 inputs 2 F/Fs and 2-to-4-line decoder
8.4 Hardwired Control state table for the sequencing part –designate 2 F/Fs as M1 & M0 –state 00 (IDLE), 01 (MUL0), 10 (MUL1) input equations for F/Fs –D M0 = IDLE G + MUL1 Z‘ –D M1 = MUL0
8.4 Hardwired Control One Flip-Flip per state –another possible method of control logic design –A F/F is assigned to each of the state, only one of F/F contains a 1, with others 0
8.4 Hardwired Control –Control unit with one flip-flop per state N f/fs are required. Simplicity a little design effort
8.7 Microprogrammed Control –Micro-programmed control a control unit with its binary values stored as words in memory –Micro-instructions one or more microinstructions –Micro-program fixed at the time of the system design & stored in ROM
8.7 Microprogrammed Control –ROM Contents of a word in ROM specify the microoperations to be performed for both the datapath & the control unit –CAR (control address register) specifies address of microinstruction “Sequential” circuit: Moore type –CDR (control data register) holds the microinstructions currently being executed by the datapath and the control unit for pipelining –CDR holds the present microinstruction while the next address is being computed & the next microinstruction is being read from memory –Next-address generator produce the next address, depending on inputs (status bits) –Sequencer next-address generator combined with CAR
8.7 Microprogrammed Control CAR: Moore-type sequential circuit - not allow conditional output box
8.7 Microprogrammed Control –status bits enter the next-address generator & affect the determination of the next state –4 control signals are needed for the datapath Initialize, Load, Clear_C, & Shift_dec –4 control signals can be used as given or can be encoded to reduce the number of bits in microinstruction – 예를 들어, INIT 상태에서 발생되는 control 신호는 ?
8.7 Microprogrammed Control –a microprogram for the binary multiplier in register transfer notation microinstruction corresponds to each of the state in ASM chart
8.7 Microprogrammed Control –3 control signal combinations are used (Initialize, Clear_C) in state INIT 0101 (Load) in state ADD 0010 (Clear_C, Shift_dec) in state MUL1 1100 IDLE, MUL0 no control signal 0000 –format of the microinstruction control word DATAPATH : 4-bit code NXTADD0, NXTADD1 : define the next addresses based on decision SEL : select whether to make a decision if so, to select which one of the three decision variables G, Q 0, Z
8.7 Microprogrammed Control - For sequencing the control unit
8.7 Microprogrammed Control Design a control unit –length of ROM control words : 12 bits –ROM contains 5 words since there are only 5 status –CAR: 3-bit parallel load register Note) - ROM 의 크기 - CAR 의 크기 - NAR 의 구조
8.7 Microprogrammed Control Register transfer micro-program –symbolic microprogram Binary representation
Design of Control Units Hardwired control –For non-programmable system Micro-programmed control –For programmable system