Welcome to SVQ Management Networking Event April 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to SVQ Management Networking Event April 2013

SVQ Management Networking Event April SQA Update Elaine Snell Qualifications Manager

SVQ Management Networking Event April 2013 Verification Update Bill Breckenridge, Senior EV

SVQ Management Networking Event Verification visits point to conclusions which have been drawn in the past: Most centres deliver the qualifications well and have suitable procedures and systems to support delivery Candidates usually give very positive feedback and express considerable satisfaction with centres and with their experience of SVQ Management Most centres aim for continuous improvement – seek to build on their own good practice and take on board what others are doing

SVQ Management Networking Event Continuous Improvement Centres continue to focus on improving their approach: Continued adoption of e portfolios, templates and documentation, and good Internal Verification (IV) practice General Feedback Delivery Systems Claiming Competence – Candidate Learning Internal Verification and Standardisation Transferability and Progression – SCQF levels CPD EV Visits

SVQ Management Networking Event General Feedback Feedback from candidates is very positive Feedback to candidates: either via e-portfolio systems (diary) or strong planning documentation Management Development Programmes Matching Occupational Role: use of diagnostic tool

SVQ Management Networking Event Delivery Systems Centres generally keep refining their delivery approach and the systems to support it, for example: Clear documentation - final assessor statements; candidate feedback forms [eg learner questionnaire]; recording templates Use of support material for candidates - SQA support materials Feedback to and communication with candidates E portfolios VLE Screening candidates (diagnostic) Induction of new assessors

SVQ Management Networking Event Claiming Competence – Candidate Learning Key aspects of SVQ Management - candidates should: Provide evidence of their work as managers - proving that they work in accordance with all relevant performance criteria and behaviours in the standards [performance evidence is crucial] Show that they know what the standards are [must make a connection between the standards and the evidence provided; select critical pieces of evidence]

SVQ Management Networking Event Claiming Competence – Candidate Learning (cont) Key aspects of SVQ Management - candidates should: Show that they possess the underpinning knowledge and understanding outlined in the standards Take responsibility for their own work [candidate led] - encourage reflective approach

SVQ Management Networking Event Claiming Competence – Candidate Learning (cont) Candidates should show: Process evidence: it is what candidates have done/are doing with policies/procedures that is important, eg copies of procedures/policies/blank documents are generally not evidence Behaviours: through the candidate’s conduct; can be evidenced in a variety of ways eg Witness Testimony, Observation, RAs Ownership: decide what evidence to include and best way to make claims for competence Signposting: storyboards, RAs etc should clearly signpost relevant items

SVQ Management Networking Event Standardisation Logging ‘the ad hoc’ – number of centres do meet/discuss evidence, candidate work, standards etc regularly but don’t fully capture the full range of good work being performed. CPD Development activities for assessors, eg preparing support material; new management techniques as well as development as an assessor or IV. NB: CPD logs are still occasionally not fully complete or available Dedicated standardisation meetings on SVQ Management

SVQ Management Networking Event Internal Verification Completing the loop, eg showing how actions identified are followed through and completed and signed off. Cascading EV development points through CPD where appropriate and evidencing in logs/minutes/action plans. Providing feedback to assessors which enable further development.

SVQ Management Networking Event Internal Verification (cont) Interim and final verification even with experienced assessors Clear and transparent sampling plans to ensure full coverage of Units/assessments Using internal verification as a formal part of induction programme

SVQ Management Networking Event Transferability and Progression – SCQF Levels Maintain credibility of SVQs in Management – for holders of the qualifications and others. SCQF levels are becoming more important as SVQ Management is acceptable for credit transfer and/or progression to other qualifications Make sure candidates are at correct level – both occupationally and on SCQF Take account of SCQF levels of Units when making assessor judgements eg knowledge at SCQF Level 11 in SVQ 5 in Management

SVQ Management Networking Event Continuing Professional Development (CPD) CPD records should include activities specifically related to SVQ Management Assessors/IVs need to maintain occupational as well as assessor competence CPD records must be available Documented policy for staff development of assessors/IVs associated with SVQ Management

SVQ Management Networking Event EV Visits Vast majority of cases centres very well prepared: Availability of sample User friendly portfolios: access to e portfolios; recordings; videos etc CPD records Role of EV

SVQ Management Networking Event Huge thanks to Bob Robertson Thank you for all the work and the commitment and enthusiasm - of you and your colleagues in delivering the SVQs in Management successfully during past year. Result - Overall the candidates get a positive and beneficial learning experience.

Skills CFA Management Update Stuart McKenna Scotland Representative, Skills CFA 19 April 2013

Overview Skills CFA Management NOS update Management and Team Leading SVQ update Modern Apprenticeship update Forthcoming projects

Skills CFA: An introduction Continue to oversee range of business-related Occupational Standards, Qualifications and Modern Apprenticeships Aims to promote value of pan-sector skills and facilitate skills development

Management & Leadership NOS Review Incremental review of NOS took place from March 2011-June 2012 Major Changes: Update of content to keep up-to-date and reflective of current practices Change of structure Addition of 21 new NOS

Management & Leadership NOS Review Review completed in June 2012 New Standards SCQF rated in August 2012 Next review not due to take place until 2015/16, although this is not guaranteed

Management & Team Leading SVQs SVQ structures were reviewed from Sept 2012 – Jan 2013 Consultation included employers, providers, colleges and Awarding Bodies Revised structures due to be implemented by Awarding Bodies shortly

Management & Team Leading SVQs Changes include additional optional units at all levels No changes to mandatory units, size of qualifications, existing units Aim was to ensure new NOS were included in SVQs, and additional appropriate options were available for learners Structures include old NOS (existing units) and new NOS (new optional units) to minimise disruption for providers

Modern Apprenticeships MAs remain unchanged from August 2011, although new SVQs will be included once approved by individual Awarding Bodies MA numbers increased in 2011/12, but have seen very significant drop in 2012/13, likely due to funding restrictions

Modern Apprenticeships Level 2 Team Leading was rejected twice by Modern Apprenticeship Group Feedback suggested MAG felt that the framework was not appropriate for 16-19 year olds, and that supervisory roles should be at Level 3+ only No current plans to re-submit for a third time

Modern Apprenticeships Centres are required to register their candidates with CFA within 8 weeks of commencement Certification of learners on new frameworks to be provided by CFA For learners on old frameworks (starts before August 2011), certification remains with MSC

Future Projects NOS Modern Apprenticeships Bid Writing and Tendering Business Continuity Management (Review) Business Support, Business Information and Business Link (Review) Parking Administration (Review) Public Relations Risk Management Sales (Review) Modern Apprenticeships Level 5 Human Resource Management Level 4 Project Management

Future Projects Welcome involvement of all stakeholders in projects. Go to: www.surveymonkey.com/s/CFA-Activities-2013-14 to register interest, or contact CFA direct to get involved

SVQ Management Networking Event PDAs in Management Tricia Hunter Minerva People

SVQ Management Networking Event Leadership Development Programme Harry Hay Dumfries and Galloway Council

thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom ROAD MAP TAUGHT PRE POST THE PARTICIPANTS Leaders and aspiring leaders, who are pivotal to the success of our Council THE FOCUS The structure and the intensity of the LDP will allow you to step back from your day to day responsibility and assess your value to our Council, developing a broader perspective of your leadership. The LDP has been customised for our Council by blending leadership theory with case studies real to Dumfries and Galloway. Participants on the programme will come from a wide range of services and backgrounds and have diverse experience and views but with the common goal of improving individual and organisational leadership. Collaboration and constructive challenge will be actively encouraged. The taught element of the programme will feature eight consecutive half days. In addition, you will be expected to devote 3-6 hours per week for preparation and working towards the two SVQ Level 5 units visionary: THE LDP IS CONSTRUCTED AROUND 4 PARTS Part 1: a pre programme evaluation of your current strengths and development areas to help you get the most out of the LDP; Part 2: one half day session per week for eight consecutive weeks focussing on research based leadership theory and reinforced by issues that are “real” to our Council; Part 3: as the key driver of the programme is to support you to develop and hone leadership skills and put them into effective practice, you will require to select and deliver a corporate project which will provide high level evidence to achieve SVQ Level 5 accreditation Part 4: evaluation and reflection. PROJECT thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom 8 WEEKS

PART 1 You will be asked to complete a 360 degree feedback questionnaire, a Leadership Judgement Indicator and behavioural style analysis (DISC). Following completion of these you will receive individual feedback in a one to one session with Adrian Banger that should last no more than 2 hours. This will also form part of your induction. This feedback will provide you with some initial indications about your personal leadership and managerial style which will be of benefit to you when you progress through the taught programme and undertake the project. You will also have a short meeting with your accredited assessor in relation to the evidence based part of the programme. This will further help you prepare for the taught sessions. PART 2 The topics of the 8 taught sessions have been designed to directly support you to complete the evidence based requirements of the programme. Contents of the LDP include: • Fit for the Future • Leadership and Leaders • Values, Purpose and Vision • Putting Vision into Practice • Benchmarking and Measuring Improvement • Taking People with You • Changing Culture To illustrate and reinforce leadership theory examples real to our Council will be used throughout the LDP.

PART 3 The project you select will run in parallel to the 8 taught sessions and will be an integral element of you successfully completing the two SVQ Level 5 units: 1 Providing direction – provide leadership for your organisation; and   2 Achieving results – improve organisational performance innovation: PART 4 As the key driver of the programme is to support and develop your leadership skills and put them into effective practice, there is a need to gauge the extent to which this has been achieved. Programme evaluation will focus on feedback in relation to your own learning and development, the taught element of the programme and the SVQ Level 5 units. This will help maximise the impact and Collectively ensure we create an organisation that is better and different. make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products

IMPACT ON THE ORGANISATION • Drive measurable improvements throughout our Council • Implement effective policies and strategies to deliver on our Council priorities, values and principles • Mobilise and inspire our people to deliver exceptional results Mabie Forest IMPACT ON YOU • Develop your capacity to confidently lead and deliver service and corporate improvement   • Enhance your ability to effectively plan and implement strategic change • Improve your self-awareness and judgement to make you a more confident decision maker • Acquire an improved insight into the functions and associated challenges across our Council

SVQ Management Networking Event PDA in Strategic Leadership at SCQF level 11 Gywneth Watson Minerva People

Success in Partnership

SVQ Management Networking Event April Looking Forward Joe Wilson Head of New Ventures, SQA

Now 1-3 Years 4-5 Years Tablet Devices Mobile Apps Open Educational Resources E-books , i-tunes U etc E-Portfolios Massive Open On-line Courses Badges Social Crowd Sourced developments Assessment on demand Adaptive Testing New Forms of Scholarly Publishing Growth in global benchmarking Direct Models Flipped classroom Learner Analytics Peer Supported Learning Adaptive Tutorials and Assessment Game Based Learning Hi-Bandwidth available to most in UK Accreditation for MOOCS and On-line certification European Digital Literacy Standard New Pedagogy for E-Books Growth in Publisher Led Short Courses ( Economist/Guardian/Vogue etc) Personal Enquiry Learning 3-D Printing Wearable Technology Rhizomatic Learning All Learners have access to browser E-books normalised Personal Learning Journeys Global communities and standards

Sources Horizon Report 2012 http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2012-horizon-report-HE.pdf Open University 2012 http://www.open.ac.uk/personalpages/mike.sharples/Reports/Innovating_Pedagogy_report_July_2012.pdf The Internet in Britain 2011 Report http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/publications/oxis2011_report.pdf Scaling Up UFI Report 2012 http://www.ufi.co.uk/sites/default/files/Scaling%20up_21_5_V3.pdf BBC Media Literacy :Understanding Capabilities http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/learning/learningoverview/bbcmedialiteracy_26072012.pdf Horizon Report 2013 http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2013-horizon-report-HE.pdf

Looking Forward Any questions?

SQA SVQ Management Network Event Title

CMI Membership CMI Membership is complimentary for 2 members of staff in all SQA SVQ Management Approved centres CMI Membership is complimentary for all candidates on SQA SVQs Management and PDAs www.managers.org.uk/sqa

The effects of good management & Leadership Builds business Delivers improved management performance & ROI Attracts and retains talent Boosts well-being

The effects of bad management & leadership Creates the majority of corporate failures Costs UK £19 Billion per year Has badly damaged trust in business & government Harms well being

MLD builds business. Fact 32% 23% People performance Increase in organisational performance

Effective Investment in Management & Leadership 80% effective managers in high performing organisation – twice that of low performing organisations A small improvement makes a BIG difference to performance: Equals a 25% boost to workforce or a 65% increase in capital True for large organisations and true for SME’s – globally WELL MANAGED ORGANISATIONS GROW

The Market Only 1 in 5 managers are qualified – 4 in 5 think they should be. Only 2500 Chartered managers out of 3.5 million. Only 34% organisations deliver management training and 12% offer national qualifications 64% of organisations say they have ‘no need’ to train staff UK lags behind many other countries in management training

Management Effectiveness

Well being well down vs 5 years ago Negative management styles more common Lower levels of trust Managers less positive about managers and organisations ability Stress, illness and depression higher Job satisfaction lower

Megatrends in Management From exclusive to inclusive From controlling to coaching From competitive to collaborative ... What can successful leaders do to use them?

SQA SVQ Management Network Event