INTRODUCTION High School is almost complete What are the post secondary requirements? What is your pathway??? - Apprenticeship?, College?, University?
ON-LINE OPTIONS On-Line Again this year [December 13 th to January 9 th ] View status of your diploma requirements View details of successfully completed credits View your attendance record Available to you and family anytime of the day Computers available in Counselling & Library
Accessing the On-line System Available through school website: Google search Erindale Secondary School Click on the Course Selection button Log on using your Student Number and the password is your date of birth [YYMMDD] Detailed instructions are at the website
Questions?? Talk to your Guidance Counsellor Talk to your Teachers Talk to your Parents Talk to your Friends/Relatives
LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY There are 5 levels of difficulty: Open [O] Workplace [E] College [C] College/University [M] University [U] Be sure you have the prerequisites!
WHAT DO I HAVE TO TAKE?? English – ENG4E0, ENG4C0 or ENG4U0 Be sure you have: - Additional English/Language/Social Science/Co-op or Guidance -Additional Phys.Ed./Business/Arts/Co-op -Additional Science/Technology/Co-op Requirements for post secondary destination 40 hours = diploma requirement Literacy test = diploma requirement
THE MATH PATHWAYS College Bound Grade 9 Applied MFM 1P0 Grade 10 Applied MFM 2P0 Personal Finance MBF3C0 Grade 11 Functions MCF 3M0 College Technology MCT 4C0 Apprenticeship Math MAP 4C0
THE MATH PATHWAYS University Bound Grade 9 Academic MPM 1D0 Grade 10 Academic MPM 2D0 Functions & Apps MCF 3M0 Data Management MDM 4U0 Functions MCR 3U0 Advanced Functions MHF 4U0 Calculus & Vectors MCV 4U0 Data Management MDM 4U0
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Keep your doors open when you make choices but consider your skill sets Consider Co-op to test drive a career Check out SAT’s and NCAA if considering a U.S. school If you have failed a subject consider summer school, repeating next year and/or changing levels TOEFL is required if you have been in Canada under 4 years Ask Questions!!!! Do Research!!!!
CHOOSE WISELY!!! Recommend 7 or 8 courses next year –Saves a spot for you next year Remember you need 6 U/M level courses for university entrance 75%+ College entrance 75%+ too – particularly highly subscribed programs What courses you pick will determine how many sections of each course will run COURSE CHANGES NEXT YEAR MAY NOT BE POSSIBLE!!!!! Avoid waiting lists – pick courses you actually want to take!!!!!
SCHOLARSHIPS Many look at extra-curricular involvement and community service as well as marks You get $$ for high grades!! Many universities look favourably upon those who have committed themselves to helping others Consider becoming more involved in leadership opportunities and volunteer work
SUMMARY Option selection is an On-Line process available December 13 th to January 9 th Access is through the Erindale Website You have until January 9 th to complete your option selections You must print a verification when complete and return it signed to your homeroom teacher by Wed. January 11 th
SUMMARY Forget your password? - see your counsellor Things moving too fast! –Plan for another semester? Year? –Coop (Test drive a Career) Research & Choose wisely