Your Name Your Title Your Organization (Line #1) Your Organization (Line #2) About technique of alignment and stacking of TGF Vybornov V. Pozanenko A. Minaev P. Space Research Institute Moscow, Russia 24 September 2014, TEPA-2014
2 Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) Launched in germanium detectors Energy band 3 keV — 17 MeV Orbit: 600 км, 38° Spectral resolution 3 keV at ~1 MeV Write each photon Scientific goals: Investigation of physics of solar flares and penetration accelerated particles from the Sun Investigation of gamma-ray bursts
3 Idea of stacking method Problem: Each event has too little number of counts to build time profile and spectrum Method: Counts stacking to increase statistics (under assumption that all events have the same nature) pluses: there is possibility to build and study averaged time profile and spectrum in any event group minuses: lose information about each event and its individual features Example event from the RHESSI TGF catalog
4 Stacking method: moving total Moving total of counts with window 0.2 ms window
5 Stacking method: search of event center search central time of event in window with max. number of counts Window with max. numbers of counts calculating central time t0t0
6 Stacking method: event alignment Alignment the event from of event central time
7 Stacking method: stacking + + normalized time profile
8 Stacking method: check method correctness If resulting time profile is averaged time profile? ?≈?≈ + + N hypothetical time profile normalized time profile
9 Stacking method: Monte-Carlo simulation of event like TGF + + Event as a non-homogeneous Poisson process +... normed time profile Function of non-homogeneous Poisson process rate Lewis & Shedler, 1978
10 Stacking method: Monte-Carlo simulation of event like TGF real simulated
11 Stacking method: test the method Dependence of stacking method error from event power correspond to faintest group in the catalog
12 A method of building of time profiles and spectra of TGF based on event stacking has been worked out Method correctness was tested in Monte-Carlo simulation Error of the method for faintest TGFs from the RHESSI catalog is no more then 10% Results
13 Thank you for attention!