Specialist Showcasing
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Welfare Rights Centre (NSW) www. welfarerights.org.au
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Welfare Rights Centre The Welfare Rights Centre is a Community Legal Centre specialising in Social Security law, administration and policy. 1.Casework 2.Policy 3.CLE 4.Publications
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Casework service The Welfare Rights Centre provides a casework service to people with income support problems that come under Social Security and Family Assistance law and to agencies assisting people with such problems in NSW. Welfare Rights advocates are also based in Illawarra, and some clients in NSW are referred to ACT Welfare Rights and Legal Centre and Brisbane Welfare Rights Centre.
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Welfare Rights Centre NSW Telephone advice service Toll free number: Advice times –Mon 9-1 –Tues 1-5 –Wed 9-1 –Thur 9-1 –Fri 9-1
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Range of advice and casework Debts and debt waiver Cancellation/ rejection of payment claims Compensation preclusion periods “member of a couple” cases Residential qualification Effect of income and assets General appeals process
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Ongoing assistance Assistance to look through Centrelink documents Assistance through Social Security appeals process: –Authorised Review Officer –Social Security Appeals Tribunal –Adminisitrative Appeals Tribunal
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Casework Guidelines- limitations on advice Advice not given in matters involving disputes between parties in respect of a child. Advice limited in matters relating to one- off “bonuses” and mathematical calculation of rates
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Casework Guidelines- limitations on ongoing assistance Limited in the following matters: –DSP qualification matters where the issue is medical impairment rating and the client receives another Soc Sec payment/other income –Debts under $10,000 –Family Tax Benefit debts- estimates of income –Claims for arrears –Queries in anticipation of entitlements/debts –Urgent or advance payments –Negotiation of activity test requirements
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Exceptions The Centre will take into account circumstances where the person is especially disadvantaged or the case has another feature taking it out of the usual run of matters. –Test cases –Homelessness –Youth
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Working with RRR CLCs Telephone advice to RRR CLC workers Co-operative assistance where WRC representing client in RRR area CLE provided to RRR CLCs SSAT- fewer “excursions” to RRR areas and increased reliance on telephone and videoconference for hearings
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Policy Most of the Centre’s policy advocacy is done in conjunction with, and often on behalf of, the National Welfare Rights Network. Key areas of policy work: –Payment (in)adequacy –Debt prevention –Participation requirements –Homelessness –Social Security prosecutions
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Community Legal Education The Centre is committed to providing high quality, accessible and targeted CLE Training to CLC workers on Social Security law and policy Training to community workers prioritised eg financial counsellors, social workers, prisons, aged care workers
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Publications “rights review” quarterly newsletter Independent Social Security Handbook- online Social Security Reporter- case summary digest Factsheets and “self help” kits- website “Wallet card” for job seekers
This presentation was prepared by the Welfare Rights Centre, Sydney Contact details Welfare Rights Centre (NSW) – / Illawarra Legal Centre –