Marketing & Technology Topic introduction Overview and history Course approach
Why is the Internet important? zFast growth in influence yAccessed by marketers yExpected by consumers zRapid and wide diffusion yIn domains yIn hosts zLots of money involved ySpending money to make money ySpending money on goods and services
A brief history zMarketing and technology are linked yThe Industrial Revolution yMass communications xRadio xTelevision yThe Information Revolution xA digital economy xRise of interactive media
Just another technology zInternet is the most recent technology zA timeline zEffects of technology on marketing action yAffects types of products yAffects types of communications
First commercial interest in Internet c Marketing EventsTechnology Developments Printing press invented Industrial Revolution under way (mechanization and mass production) Majority of production moves to factories First radio station First radio network: RCA First all-electronic TV: RCA A Timeline of Marketing and Technology 1975 Early digital computing technologies One-third of radio shows have commercial sponsors Widespread color TV capability First Internet mailing list 1995 Number of hosts exceeds 100,000 Online dial-up services provide Internet access Number of hosts exceeds 1,000,000 CERN releases WWW Number of hosts exceeds 10,000 First full-service Internet bank hosts outnumber others Number of Internet hosts exceeds 1000 Domain Name System introduced First online shopping mall First television ad: Bulova Watch
History in perspective... zRates of diffusion: Time to reach 50 million U.S. homes (Morgan Stanley Tech. Res.)
What is the Internet? zA means of communication yFrom one-to-many yTo all sorts of forms… zTechnological characteristics yHistory yPurpose yGrowth
How many hosts?
Tracking Internet growth
Commercial implications of Internet growth
More implications
Implications in action
The Net and e-commerce zE-commerce definition y...activities undertaken by organizations to enable and facilitate the buying and selling of stuff with paperless, information systems technologies.. zBroader than just buying and selling online yEncompasses marketing activities yIncludes different types of transactions xRevenue generating xRevenue supporting
The Net and marketing zA marketing review yMarketing definition x“The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” yMarketing activities xStrategic planning xMarketing management zInternet opportunities yEnvironmental scanning yMarketing research yMix implications