Core Publisher: Station Administrator Tools
Users in Core Publisher
3 Log-ins and Passwords Where do I log in?
4 Log-ins and Passwords How do I reset my password? * Any Station Admin at your station can reset your password as well.
5 Creating New Users
7 Usernames aren’t front facing, but should be some combination of first and last name.
8 Creating New Users All new users should be set to “Active” Status. Set users to “Blocked” once they are no longer on your staff.
9 Creating New Users Select the Role for your new user. Check the Notify user of new account to them their account information.
10 Creating New Users: User Roles Create and edit posts, pages, programs Manage content Pull content from the NPR API Edit Social Media Links Manage ads Edit Layout Engine blocks Create tags and categories Roles of EditorRoles of Station Admin Create and manage users Create and edit posts, pages, programs Manage content Pull content from the NPR API Edit Social Media Links Manage ads Edit Layout Engine blocks Manage Layout Engine templates Create tags and categories
11 Editing Users How do I edit a user?
12 Deleting Users How do I delete a user?
13 Deleting Users How do I delete a user? You have several options for deleting a user. To ensure that no content is disturbed, select Disable the account and keep its content.
14 Deleting Users How do I delete a user? Checking this box means that the user cannot be deleted until a confirmation from the user is received. We suggest leaving this box unchecked.
15 Deleting Users What is the difference between deleting and blocking a user? Blocking a user stops them from being able to log in, but keeps their account in your system and doesn’t give you any options about their content. Deleting a user gives you more options, like the ability to delete the user and their content, or just disable their account and keep the content. Blocking a user should be for temporary account disabling, while deleting a user should be for permanent account changes.
Navigating Your Core Publisher Environment
17 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Table Queue – Term used to describe any queue of content that you create and display on your site
18 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue:
19 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue: Most Table Queues are going to have a checkbox that you must check to make the block show up on your site.
20 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue: Enter the name of a piece of content (Person, Post, Page or Program) in a blank field to add it to your Queue.
21 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue: Typing in a field activates the auto-complete function, which will generate a list of posts based on what you are typing. Select the piece of content that you want to add to the Queue from this list.
22 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue: Use the crossed arrows to drag and drop your content into the desired order and hierarchy.
23 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue: Make sure to check the Display check box for each piece of content that you want to show up on your site. Unchecking the Display box will hide your content, allowing you to queue it up for the future.
24 Core Publisher Vocabulary: Table Queue Anatomy of a Table Queue: To add more rows to your queue, enter the number of desired rows in the Number of rows field and select Rebuild.
25 Navigating your Navigation Go to your homepage Manage content Create and manage users
26 Navigating your Navigation Manage your right rail ad spaces Add pages, posts, program, topics, etc. Configure your “Most Active Stories” block Search and manage your content
27 Navigating your Navigation Find and publish NPR Content Edit and manage your categories Manage your queues (ex. Flexi-Menu, Lead Stories) Edit and manage your tags
28 Navigating your Navigation Activate your “NPR Elections Blog” homepage block Edit your Facebook and Twitter links
29 Quick Editing Shortcut in Core Publisher When you are logged in to your Core Publisher site, rolling over certain blocks will cause a gear shaped shortcut icon to appear. Use this to get to the edit page for your block. Rollover your Skyboxes and select the Manage Queue option to get directly to your Skybox Manager. The same is true for your Sticky Strip.
30 Quick Editing Shortcut in Core Publisher When you are logged in to your Core Publisher site, rolling over certain blocks will cause a gear shaped shortcut icon to appear. Use this to get to the edit page for your block. For stations using the Modular Homepage: Rollover your Program Promo block and select the Manage Queue option to get directly to your Program Promo Manager.
Adding Content in Core Publisher
32 Adding Content
33 Adding Content: Types of Content Page – a static page, like “About Us”, “Employment Opportunities” or “Spring Pledge Drive Information” that may be added to your site navigation Person – information about a contributor, staff member or host to attach to posts by the byline Post – a news article or other piece of content that includes text and images to display information Program – information about a show that airs on your radio station using data from your Composer account Topic – a tool for creating dynamic pages of related content using tags
Adding People in Core Publisher
35 Adding Content: People People are different than Users. They are hosts, or content contributors whose bio and other info is displayed on your site.
36 Adding Content: People For each person you want to create, gather: Basic bio (1-2 short paragraphs) Their title at your station Photograph (try to keep images consistent, ideally 4x3) Capacity (Role - Host, Staff, Volunteer, etc.) Public Contact info ( , Facebook, Twitter, &Google+ URLs) Core Publisher User Name (if they have one)
37 Adding Content: People Board of Directors Staff Members Local Reporters Local Show Hosts Volunteers Editors People I should create People I don’t need to create NPR show hosts Syndicated show hosts and personalities Note: Syndicated personalities and hosts are automatically added to your People list.
38 Creating People You can add text and links with some formatting (bold, italicized, bulleted and numbered lists, etc) in the Bio field.
39 Creating People Job Title is a custom text field, while Capacity must be selected. A person can have multiple Capacities.
40 Creating People Make sure to enter the full URL plus for all Social Media pages.
41 Creating People When you associate a Person with a User in Core Publisher, all content created by that user will automatically add their corresponding Person in the Byline field.
42 Creating People If you want your Person to show up on your site, check the Publish checkbox before saving.
43 Adding Content: People Publishing a Person on your site also ingests the Person in the API, giving it an API ID *API ID = Unique identifier within the Core Publisher & NPR Digital system that tells the system who you are.
44 About People in Core Publisher People show up in two main areas of your site: #1: In the People block on your Homepage
45 About People in Core Publisher #2: On your People page
46 About People in Core Publisher: People Pages Located at Displays list of all of your people, as well as your Syndicated People, in tabs All People, including Syndicated People, show up in your All tab Ordered alphabetically by first name
47 About People in Core Publisher: People Pages Located at Displays list of all of your people, as well as your Syndicated People, in tabs All People, including Syndicated People, show up in your All tab Ordered alphabetically by first name Based on the capacities that you assigned each Person at creation.
48 About People in Core Publisher: People Pages Located at Displays list of all of your people, as well as your Syndicated People, in tabs All People, including Syndicated People, show up in your All tab Ordered alphabetically by first name The Syndicated tab contains all of the People that are automatically created for each author of a post that you pull from the NPR API.
49 About People in Core Publisher: People Block Located in the right rail of your homepage Displays a selected list of people in an order that you define in your queue We suggest only adding people to the block that have images (preferably portrait)
50 About People in Core Publisher: People Block
51 About People in Core Publisher: People Block Make sure that this checkbox is checked for your box to show up.
52 About People in Core Publisher: People Block You can customize the title of your block.
53 About People in Core Publisher: People Block Enter your People in the fields and check the Publish checkbox.
54 About People in Core Publisher: People Block Drag and drop the People into the desired order using the crossbow icon.
Adding Pages in Core Publisher
56 Adding Content: Pages Pages are meant for areas of your site that are fairly static, like an “About Us” page. They are designed for areas of your site that do not have content pieces flowing into them. Common Pages you should create: About Us Privacy Policy EEO Public File
57 Anatomy of a Core Publisher Page Pages don’t have Bylines under the Page title, unlike Posts.
58 Anatomy of a Core Publisher Page Images are placed at the top of the Page with the caption and any other information (if applicable) under it.
59 Anatomy of a Core Publisher Page Image Slideshow – If you add multiple images to a Page, Image 1 of __ will appear under your main image so that your visitors can scroll through the images. In Slideshow View, the images will show up enlarged in a lightbox.
60 Anatomy of a Core Publisher Page Your Right Rail is still visible on your Pages.
61 Adding Content: Pages What’s the difference between a Page and a Post in Core Publisher? A Page is a static page that provides information, while a Post is a news article that may be edited or added to. A Page will only show up on your site where you add it (Flexi Menu, Footer, Sticky Strip, etc.), while a Post will be added to your news page and homepage news feed. What’s the difference between a Platform Page and a Core Publisher Page? A Page in Core Publisher has a specific design, while Platform pages allowed open HTML.
62 Creating Pages You can add text and links with some formatting (bold, italicized, bulleted and numbered lists, etc) in the Body field. Use the image icon to add an image to your page.
63 Creating Pages You can add images to the top of your post. Multiple images will be displayed in a slideshow.
64 Creating Pages PDFs will be added as attachments at the bottom of your page.
65 Creating Pages: Adding Online Videos You can easily embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo and PBS Cove to your pages.
66 Creating Pages: Adding Online Videos You can easily embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo and PBS Cove to your pages. Step One: Choose the video that you want to add to your page and copy the URL (not the Embed code).
67 Creating Pages: Adding Online Videos You can easily embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo and PBS Cove to your pages. Step Two: Paste the URL into your page body where you want it to show up.
68 Creating Pages: Adding Online Videos You can easily embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo and PBS Cove to your pages. Step Three: Save your page. The video will show up on your post in a player.
69 Adding Content: Pages
70 Adding Content: Pages How do I edit a Page? When you are logged in to Core Publisher, you will see View and Edit tabs for each piece of content. Go to the Page that you want to edit and select the Edit tab. Make your changes and re-save your Page.
Setting up your Navigation
72 Building your Navigation in Core Publisher How is my navigation set up? You can build your menu using our Flexi-Menu tablequeue. What links should go in my Flexi-Menu? Your Flexi-Menu navigation should reflect your online strategy. We suggest putting links to your program pages, schedules, different content pages and support/pledge resources. Note: Any changes that you make to your Flexi-Menu will not be reflected on your Events and Quick Pledge pitch pages.
73 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu How do I navigate to my Flexi-Menu?
74 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu In the Title field, enter your menu option.
75 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu In the URL field, enter the full URL of the page that you are linking to. If you are linking to a webpage in Core Publisher, you can use the Relative Link (ex: becomes /content/tiny-desk)
76 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu Check the Display checkbox to display your fields in your menu.
77 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu You can create hierarchies in your menu by selecting the icon and nudging fields under main headers. Use the crossbow icon to drag and drop your menu items into the desired order as well.
78 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu To add more fields to your menu, enter the number of desired rows in the Number of rows field and select Rebuild. 14
Setting up your Footer
80 Building your Footer in Core Publisher How is my footer set up? You can build your menu using our Flexi-Footer tablequeue. What links should go in my Flexi-Footer? Your Flexi-Footer should contain links to Category pages, as well as links to station streams, support pages and other popular programs and initiatives at your station. Note: Any changes that you make to your Flexi-Menu will not be reflected on your Events and Quick Pledge pitch pages.
81 Building your Footer in Core Publisher What links should go in my Flexi-Footer? Your Flexi-Footer should contain links to Category pages, as well as links to station streams, support pages and other popular programs and initiatives at your station.
82 Building Your Footer Using the Flexi-Footer How do I navigate to my Flexi-Footer?
83 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu Make sure that the Activate the Flexi Footer block checkbox is checked.
84 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu Use the to drag and drop your title into a hierarchy.
85 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu In the URL field, enter the full URL of the page that you are linking to. If you are linking to a webpage in Core Publisher, you can use the Relative Link (ex: becomes /content/tiny-desk) URLs are not required for footer options.
86 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu Check the New Window checkbox for links that you want to open in a new tab when clicked. Reserve this for your Listen Live links and any links that will take your web visitors away from your site.
87 Building Navigation Using the Flexi-Menu The Column dropdown allows you to select which of your three columns your header and sub-headers will be displayed in.
88 For assistance with Core Publisher Contact your Site Builder Reach our support team: Visit our help blog: Emergencies: