Our Mission “To improve Nevada County’s air quality by reducing ozone air pollution.” Our mission is accomplished through three strategies for change: 1) Science Increasing knowledge for better solutions to ozone air pollution. 2) Education Raising awareness and inspiring action through public education. 3) Advocacy Advocating for lasting institutional changes to reduce ozone pollution.
Science and Monitoring
STA in NC Science and Monitoring “Increasing knowledge for better solutions to ozone air pollution.” Accomplishments Purchased and Installed ozone monitoring station on roof of City Hall in Nevada City Funded a permanent ozone monitor for Penn Valley Purchased two high-quality portable ozone monitors from 2B Technologies (first and only citizen’s group to do this!) Ongoing collaboration with NSAQMD to calibrate portable monitors. Developing online link to ozone readings from four local ozone monitors with data available in: 5-minute average ozone concentration (updated every 5 minutes) 1-hour average ozone concentration (updated every hour) 8-hour average ozone concentration (updated every hour) Air Quality Index, based on 8 hour average (updated every hour)
Education and Outreach
STA in NC Education and Outreach “Raising awareness and inspiring action through public education.” Accomplishments Frequent public education through media in Sacramento Bee, The Union, KVMR Radio station, KCRA TV News, etc. Video education component on website Hosted Parent’s Panel Meeting in July 2007 with expert panel discussion of ozone pollution effects on children and how to minimize exposure Registered over 300 Sierra-based members to our organization Participated in APPLE’s standing-room only Town Hall Meeting on ozone pollution in Nevada County Received grant funding from NSAQMD to develop carpool and parent education programs with local schools Public Education programs in schools with portable monitors
STA in NC Advocacy “Advocating for lasting institutional changes to reduce ozone pollution.” Accomplishments Supported litigation filed by State of California and national environmental organizations against the US EPA for failure to develop appropriate human health standards Passed Clean Air Resolutions resolutions in both Grass Valley and Nevada City Provided formal input to the California State Implementation Plan (SIP) process Met with Sacramento Air Quality Management District to discuss impact of upwind sources on Nevada County’s ozone pollution Sierra Ozone Summit
Thank you…