“Grow Some Green” in South Carolina Tim Adams Resource Development Director South Carolina Forestry Commission
64% of South Carolina is forested.
Forestland Acreage,
Balance of Forestland Type
South Carolina Forestland Ownership
Age Distribution of SC’s Natural Pine Timberlands
Timber Volume
Timber Volume Inventory Total Growing Stock Inventory 100% Annual Gross Growth 6% Annual Removals 4% Annual Mortality 0.9%
Softwood Inventory in South Carolina Prepared on February 17, 2006 Kronotex Grant Forest Products Tech-Wood
Storm Cloud on the Horizon
New Wood Consumption from South Carolina Forests
Tree Planting in South Carolina
Forest Sustainability Analysis SERTS SC Forestry Commission US Forest ServiceBob Abt – NC State
Pulpwood will be our “Canary in the Coal Mine”
Pine Pulpwood Inventory Projections
Pine Sawtimber Inventory Projections
Softwood Growth/Removal Ratio Trends Areas where G/R > 1 in 1970
Fisher Communication for
Family Forest Landowner Factoids 72% are older than 55 years old. Recreation was the most common recent activity. Transferring land to heirs is their top planned activity. Family legacy & aesthetics are main reasons for owning land. 77% have owned their land > 10 years.
Landowner Outreach Program 800-SCTREES or SCTREES.org Billboards Radio Spots Sponsored Landowner Meetings Direct-Mail Publications
Billboard Design
Landowner Outreach Program 800-SCTREES or SCTREES.org Billboards Radio Spots Sponsored Landowner Meetings Direct-Mail Publications
Landowner Outreach Program 800-SCTREES or SCTREES.org Billboards Radio Spots Sponsored Landowner Meetings Direct-Mail Publications
“Grow Some Green” Brochure
Internal Rate of Return for Pine Plantations
Land in Farms in SC
Advances in Southern Pine Forest Productivity