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Sara needs to delete the data in cell B5. Which command would she select? A.) ClearClear B.) CopyCopy C.) CutCut D.) Format PainterFormat Painter Need team mate to block
Mark notices the last two lines of text in cell B4 are not showing up in his spreadsheet. How could Carl format the cell to correct this problem? A.) AutoFit) AutoFit B.) Special FormattingSpecial Formatting C.) Wrap TextWrap Text D.) Subscript FormattingSubscript Formatting Need team mate to block
Kathryn needs the title in cell A1 to align horizontally across cells A1 through D1. Which alignment option should she select? A.) Merge and CenterMerge and Center B.) OrientationOrientation C.) CenterCenter D.) Wrap TextWrap Text Need team mate to block
Carrie needs the text in cell A1 to be angled at 90 degrees. Which alignment option should she select? A.) CenterCenter B.) OrientationOrientation C.) Merge and CenterMerge and Center D.) Wrap TextWrap Text Need team mate to block
Column D in a spreadsheet contains information about regional sales. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D. A.) DateDate B.) CurrencyCurrency C.) NumberNumber D.) TextText Need team mate to block
Column D in a spreadsheet contains employee ID Number. Which formatting would be most appropriate for the data in column D? A.) CurrencyCurrency B.) DateDate C.) NumberNumber D.) TextText Need team mate to block
Trey would like to outline the cell range A1:F20. Which formatting style should he select? A.) BordersBorders B.) Cell StyleCell Style C.) Conditional FormattingConditional Formatting D.) Format as TableFormat as Table Need team mate to block
Which defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special characters in Microsoft Excel? A.) AlignmentAlignment B.) FontFont C.) SizeSize D.) EffectsEffects Need team mate to block
John would like to change the order of the worksheets in his workbook. Which option would he choose? A.) InsertInsert B.) DeleteDelete C.) CopyCopy D.) MoveMove Need team mate to block
Virgil wants to customize the sheet tabs in his workbook with the names June, July, and August. Which command should he choose? A.) RenameRename B.) MoveMove C.) InsertInsert D.) Tab ColorTab Color Need team mate to block
Carl needs to transfer a worksheet in the current workbook to a different workbook. Which command should he choose? A.) InsertInsert B.) RenameRename C.) Tab Color) Tab Color D.) MoveMove Need team mate to block
Chris wants to emphasize the sheet tabs in his workbook. Which command should he choose? A.) Tab ColorTab Color B.) RenameRename C.) MoveMove D.) InsertInsert Need team mate to block
David wants to change all occurrences of "North Carolina" to "NC" in his spreadsheet. What command should he use to complete this task? A.) AutoFillAutoFill B.) Find and ReplaceFind and Replace C.) FilterFilter D.) SortSort Need team mate to block
Ron notices that the data in cell E4 reads #######. What command could Ron choose to correct this problem? A.) Special FormattingSpecial Formatting B.) Subscript FormattingSubscript Formatting C.) Wrap TextWrap Text D.) AutoFitAutoFit Need team mate to block
What type of formatting appears only when the value in a cell meets conditions specified by a user? A.) CriterionCriterion B.) ConditionalConditional C.) LogicalLogical D.) RestrictiveRestrictive Need team mate to block
What command do you use to apply a background color to cells in a worksheet? A.) Fill ColorFill Color B.) DrawingDrawing C.) Borders & ShadingBorders & Shading D.) HighlightHighlight Need team mate to block
Which command do you use to reduce the margin between the border and the text in an indented cell? A.) OrientationOrientation B.) Decrease IndentDecrease Indent C.) Column WidthColumn Width D.) AlignmentAlignment Need team mate to block
Which quick-number style button formats numbers to display as currency in the worksheet? A.) AccountingAccounting B.) PercentPercent C.) CommaComma D.) DollarDollar Need team mate to block
On the Home Ribbon, what do you use to change the text color of characters in a cell? A.) Font Size drop down listFont Size drop down list B.) Fill color drop down listFill color drop down list C.) Font Color drop down listFont Color drop down list D.) Cell Styles drop down listCell Styles drop down list Need team mate to block
Question 20 goes here A.) Wrong Answer 1 B.) Wrong Answer 2 C.) Wrong Answer 3 D.) Correct Answer Need team mate to block
ALakersArenaPumpupvictorysongJockJamsmp Created by: B. Schimara - Aug. 2007