Presented by:
Today’s Agenda 9:00-10:30 Icebreaker/Tribal Counting/OverviewIcebreaker/Tribal Counting/Overview 10:35-10:45 Break 10:45-11:30 How Children Learn Concepts/I Have, Who Has/Videos 11:30-12:30 Lunch 12:30-2:00 Videos Continued 2:00-2:10 Break 2:10-2:50 Practice Assessments 2:50-3:00 Sharing Resources
How Children Learn Number Concepts Read the Article I Have, Who Has??? Watch IsaiahIsaiah Watch Harper Harper
Combination Trains Assessment Learning Number Combinations Children need to see the basic facts as a set of interrelated concepts. Children need to be able to look for relationships between the facts they know and other larger, more complex numbers or problems. Emphasis needs to be on learning number composition and decomposition and number relationships – not just on getting the right answers. Common Core Alignment: 1.OA.3; 1.OA.5; 1.OA.6
AMC Anywhere Log in information District ID: demo Teacher ID: demo Password: demo
Instructional Levels NNeeds Prerequisite (The child is not yet able to learn this concept. Something else is needed first) INeeds Instruction (The child has a beginning understanding of this but needs support) PNeeds Practice (The child is developing insight and competence and needs to work at this level longer) AReady to Apply (The child has facility with the idea and needs to apply it and move on to other concepts) ©Math Perspectives Teacher Development Center, Bellingham, WA
Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. Agree Disagree
Assessment Practice 1. Find a Partner 2. Arrange the three combination trains Go to Start Assessment Practice Combinations Trains with partner This assessment in on pg in blue book
Activities 1-12 Find a Match 2-4 Bulldozer 2-21 Number Shapes using spinners 3-36 Roll And Double
Presented by:
Today’s Agenda 9:00- 9:30 Let’s Do Some Math 9:30-10:35 Article and Discussion 10:35-10:45 Break 10:45-11:30 Hiding Assessment 11:30- 12:30 Lunch 12:30- 1:00 Ten Frames Video/ Discussion 1:00-2:30 Ten Frames Assessments 2:00- 2:10 Break 2:10- 3:00 Activities
LET’S START WITH SOME MATH!!!…….. Die Hard: Water Jug Riddle Die Hard: Water Jug Riddle Using only a 5 gallon and a 3 gallon bucket, pour exactly 4 gallons of water into one of the jugs. 5 minutes….GO!!!
“If the standards for mathematical practices are not in place, well then, you are not really using the common core.” -Phil Daro, Common Core author- Mathematics 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Types of Subtraction Situations Read Investigations Teacher Notes Act out the Squirrel Problem Which Mathematical Practices are evident? Team 2- will you find other times for teachers to apply the practices and move to the posters hanging in the room over the next 2 days????
Hiding Assessment Learning to Decompose Numbers To subtract children need to know the parts of numbers and see the relationship between composition and decomposition. Children must recognize that one number is contained within another number. Children must understand that the number stays the same even when it is broken apart and recombined in various ways. Common Core Alignment: 1.OA.3, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6
Hiding Assessment Libby Part 1 – Hiding with Counters Part 2 – Hiding without Counters Note: Go to Part 2 after you have finished Part 1. Assess only the numbers the student knew (Ready to Apply); this is confirm student can identify parts of numbers mentally and are flexible in their thinking about numbers.
Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. Agree Disagree
Let’s Do Some Math!!! 6 piles of marbles are arranged in a triangle pattern. Each side of the triangle has total of 9 marbles. Add 1 more marble to one of the piles, so that the total number of marbles on each side remains 9. You are allowed to move the marbles but not take any out.
Ten Frames Assessment Learning about Numbers as One Ten and Some More Understanding that numbers are made up of “ten and some ones” is a foundational skill students must learn to work with larger numbers. To solve more challenging problems student must move beyond counting on strategies and be able to solve problems by using relationships and understanding the underlying structure of numbers to 20. Common Core Alignment: 1.OA.3 & 1.NBT.2
Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. Agree Disagree
Activities How Many Am I Hiding? Ten Plus Working With Ten Shapes A Ten-Shape and More: Subtraction Grab Bag: Subtraction
Presented by:
Today’s Agenda 9:00- 9:30 Let’s Do Some Math 9:30-10:35 Plus-One and Minus-One Game/Article 10:35-10:45 Break 10:45-11:30 Grouping Tens Assessment 11:30- 12:30 Lunch 12:30- 2:00 Looking At Data/Explore 1:50- 2:00 Break 2:00- 3:00 Closing, Team Time
Let’s Do Some Math: A man buys a horse for 50 dollars. Decides he wants to sell his horse later and gets 60 dollars. He then decides to buy it back again and paid 70 dollars. However, he could no longer keep it and he sold it for 80 dollars. Did he make money? lose money? or break even? Explain why.
Understanding Regrouping: The Process and the Patterns Team 2- Please create discussion questions for this article.
Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. Agree Disagree
Plus-One and Minus One Team 2- please create discussion questions for this game
Children need to learn that numbers to 100 are composed of groups of tens and ones. Children must do more than label the digits in a number – they must understand that numbers are organized into groups of tens and ones. Children must recognize that a ten is both one ten and ten ones. This level of thinking is difficult for young children. CC Alignment: 1. NBT.2; 1. NBT.4; 1. NBT.5; 1. NBT.6 Grouping Tens Assessment Learning about Numbers as Tens and Ones
Looking at Data Team 2- please plan what is needed for teachers to understand how to access and use the data as well as other Kathy Richardson resources
Take a Stand Listen to the statement. Then, decide if you agree or disagree with the statement and move to the corresponding side of the room. Be prepared to defend your stance. Agree Disagree