Connecting Kids to Justice Day 3
How many of you love to eat chocolate or drink hot cocoa? Do you have family members who love to drink coffee? All of these foods are grown by farmers who use land, water & resources.
Catholic Social Teaching
When we buy food with the Fair Trade label, we are buying food that was grown and harvested in a way that cares for Earth. Remember this label?
Farmers of Las Colinas The farmers of Las Colinas in El Salvador, Central America work with CRS Fair to create cleaner and more efficient coffee processing systems. The new systems also protect the drinking water and allow the farmers to better care for God’s creation. More information: oop/2011/10/23/las-colinas- first-the-good-news/
We Can Make a Difference Don’t forget to bring your money in this week! When we donate money this week, will be given to CRS to continue their work on their Fair Trade programs.
Talk About It What do you and your family do to care for God’s creation?