What do the letters I, C and T stand for in your classroom? Teachnology, not technology -Thinking again about the I, the C and the T
Who am I? Spanish teacher Former SSAT Lead Practitioner Educational consultant for creativity Looking forward to getting back into the classroom A learner
Immediately Children Think...
Young people come to classrooms with a range of digital technology experiences, and just as we seek to build on other types of knowledge skills and experience, so too the literacy practitioner needs to understand what learners bring, and do not bring, to the classroom. Julia Davies and Guy Merchant, University of Sheffield, “Negotiating the Blogosphere: Educational Possibilities”, 2009
We need to use ICT as a tool but because technology changes so rapidly but pedagogy and excellent, outstanding pedagogy stays the same in many ways, it’s only a tool Chris Harte, Head of Cramlington Learning Village, near Newcastle, quoted in “Hard to teach: Secondary MFL”, Teachers TV
Impressive Construction Tools...
Impressive Construction Tools: blogging
vs Impressive Construction Tools: blogging
Comments from the world Impressive Construction Tools: safety
Impressive Construction Tools: safety
Impressive Construction Tools: safety
Impressive Construction Tools: safety
Impressive Construction Tools: Whenever, wherever
-chants about Fernando Torres in Spanish -cartoons -daily national front pages -links to important sites -videos made by pupils -a video of the 3 Kings in Barcelona Impressive Construction Tools: Whenever, wherever
Impressive Construction Tools:
Impressive Construction Tools: ease of use
Incredible Communication Tools...
Make like a DT teacher
Anderson’s Taxonomy
“Across all phases speaking is the least well developed of all the skills. Students’ inability to be able to say what they want to say in a new language has a negative impact on their confidence and enthusiasm.” OFSTED, “The Changing Landscape of Languages”, July 2008 Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Podcasting Digital audio recording - role of editing in the learning process - posted online - commenting facilitates AfL Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Podcasting uses - create guides - audio descriptions - create their own listening exercises - peer grammar guides - MFL radio station? Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
What you’ll need 1)A microphone 2)Audacity 3)Lame FE Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Feeling bold? Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Beyond the classroom Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Incredible Communication Tasks: speaking
Incredible Communication Tasks: writing Blog posts Guess Who descriptions Local area Any writing task- think of the audience
Immersed Chatty Talkers...
Flashmeeting - safe - free - share URLs / chat - easy voting options Immersed Chatty Talkers
Impressed Commenting Tutors...
Impressed Commenting Tutors Assessment for Learning
Impressed Commenting Tutors Assessment for Learning
Impressed Commenting Tutors Reflection on Learning
Instant, Constant Training...
Instant, Constant Training... or Impressively Charitable Thoughts...
Instant, Constant Training... or Impressively Charitable Thoughts... or Instant Counselling Teachers...
ICT: Instant, Constant Training
ICT: Instant, Constant Training
ICT: Instant, Constant Training
July 8th Thursday, July 8th Instant, Constant Training MFL Show n Tell, North Devon Thursday 8 th July, 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Teachnology, not technology -Thinking again about the I, the C and the T