W HAT IS A RIGHT, A DUTY AND A RESPONSIBILITY ? Some examples No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Support and defend the Constitution Serve the country when required Participate in the democratic process Be loyal to your beliefs All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Be punctual on any daily activity
W HAT IS A RIGHT, DUTY AND A RESPONSIBILITY ? Right Definition Duty Definition Responsibility Definition Can a duty be a responsibility too? Who can demand for a right? If you can demand a right, do you have duties to fulfill? Since when can someone demand for a right? Since born or since conception
W HO DEMANDS FOR RIGHTS ? Personality – quality of being a person – being able to demand for rights and fulfill duties as a natural or legal person. What is a natural person? What is a legal person? Community member, holder of legal relationships – human organization, gather to get an objective with legal capacity
W HO IS A LEGAL SUBJECT ? R IGHTS Just men? Just women? Just kids? Nature? To demand just for rights? Some examples? Health access Equal treatment To make inquires and complaints To practice a faith
W HO IS A LEGAL SUBJECT ? D UTIES Who performs a duty? Why are they important? Are rights possible without duties? Why?
E CUADORIAN C ITIZENS ’ D UTIES Honor and obey the Constitution, the law and legitimate authority decisions. Ama killa, ama llulla, ama shwa. Do not be lazy, do not lie, do not steal. Defend the territorial integrity of Ecuador and its natural resources. Assist in the maintenance of peace and security. Respecting human rights and fight for their compliance. Respect the rights of nature, preserving a healthy environment and use natural resources in a rational, sustainable development.
E CUADORIAN C ITIZENS ’ D UTIES Promote the common good and putting the public interest to special interests, according to good living. Manage honestly and with strict adherence to the law on public property and expose and combat corruption. Practicing justice and solidarity in the exercise of their rights and the enjoyment of goods and services. To promote unity and equality in diversity and intercultural relations. Taking public functions as a service to the community and accountable to society and authority, in accordance with the law.
E CUADORIAN C ITIZENS ’ D UTIES Practice the profession or occupation subject to ethics. Conserve natural and cultural heritage of the country, and care and maintenance of public goods. Respect and acknowledge ethnic, national, social, generational, gender, and sexual orientation and identity. Cooperate with the State and the community in social security, and pay the taxes established by law. Aid, support, educate and care for the daughters and sons. This duty is responsibility of parents in equal shares, and shall also sons and daughters when parents need it. Participate in the political, civic and community in the country, in an honest and transparent.
A RE PEOPLES LEGAL SUBJECTS ? “Peoples” share Same identity Political organization UN 1986 declare peoples legal subjects Ecuadorian Constitution Art. 57 Art Se reconoce y garantizará a las comunas, comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas, de conformidad con la Constitución y con los pactos, convenios, declaraciones y demás instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos, los siguientes derechos colectivos: Which ones?
P EOPLES C OLLECTIVE R IGHTS Develop their own identity Hold their own traditions Keep their lands by tradition Practice their own way of organization Do not be subject of racism Be inquired to extract or produce any resource in their territory
E CUADOR A C OUNTRY Intercultural and multinational Republic Secular Why?