SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD Training subsidiary of SNIPEF established 1983. Managing Agent and “Industry Training Provider” for Plumbing MA. Managed the training of over 11,000 apprentices Quality Assured Company BS EN ISO 9002 registered company and subject to SDS Quality Framework (focus on meeting employer and apprentice needs continual improvement through collection and analysis of data)
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD SNIPEF STRUCTURE: 11 Local Associations send representatives to SNIPEF Council. Appointed to SNIPEF Committees. Employment Safety & Training Committee SNIJIB for the Plumbing Industry (comprises SNIPEF & UNITE) SNIJIB is Joint Awarding Body partner for the Plumbing SVQ.
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD ENTRY & ENROLMENT: Apprentices Recruited direct by employers. Careers Service used by some employers. SNIPEF Training Officers facilitate recruitment and the transfer of redundant apprentices All entrants employed status. Main intake is still in the 16-18 age group. This year 250 apprentices have been recruited. Down by some 50%
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD MODERN APPRENTICESHIP COMPRISES: 4 years on-the-job training with the employer. Off-the-job training at College – during first 3 years typically for 36 weeks. SVQ Level 3 in Plumbing now includes third year option of Gas, Oil, Environmental Technology or solid fuel. Necessary to identify third year options in advance of third year.
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SCOTLAND (SDS) & PROFILING At start of each year SNIPEF Training is required to profile achievement for each apprentice and update in the course of the year. Imperative that SNIPEF Training knows the “expected achievement” for each student and that the “expected achievement” is delivered and notified to SNIPEF Training at the appointed times of Dec and June each year.
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD STUDENT MONITORING AND ACHIEVEMENT SDS requirements: Monitor student progress and achievement every 13 weeks until achievement of the SVQ/MA. Student achievement notified in Dec and June each year on SNIPEF T16 Form. T16 Form MUST be signed by the apprentice and an “authorised” centre signatory. Blank T16 Form indicates “expected” student assessment achievement for each of the 6 periods over three years. Achievement based on the assessments which make up the SVQ which equal milestones for “funding drawdown”. All 23 assessments are mandatory.
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD TEAM OF 6 REGIONAL OFFICERS: John Gillies – Cardonald, Queenslie & Dumfries. Robert Barclay – Forth Valley, Edinburgh, Borders, North Glasgow & City of Glasgow. Douglas Shearer – Ayr, Clydebank, James Watt & South Lanarkshire. Paul Roberts – Aberdeen, Dundee & Tullos. Neil Foxcroft – Adam Smith, Carnegie, Dundee, Moray & Perth. Colin Miller – Inverness. Monitor apprentices on a quarterly basis both at College(3) and at the workplace (1).
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD AWARDING BODY: Plumbing SVQ Awarded by Joint Awarding Body (SQA & SNIJIB for the Plumbing Industry) SNIJIB joint employer/employee body which sets the terms and conditions of employment in the Plumbing Industry.
SNIPEF TRAINING SERVICES LTD KEY MESSAGES 1. Deliver SVQ Programme Assessments to agreed T16 Period Requirements. 2.Notify SNIPEF ofApprentice Achievement in DEC & JUNE each year on a T16 Form. 3.T16S MUST be signed by an authorised college signatory and the apprentice before submission to SNIPEF Training. 4.Notify SNIPEF Training as early as possible of any problems in meeting the delivery times.