CHAPTER 28 The Eisenhower Years, 1953 - 1960. Chapter Review Briefly explain President Eisenhower’s approach to both domestic and foreign policy. Describe.


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Presentation transcript:

CHAPTER 28 The Eisenhower Years,

Chapter Review Briefly explain President Eisenhower’s approach to both domestic and foreign policy. Describe in general terms what “brinksmanship” meant, and explain how that concept shaped American foreign policy in the 1950s. Explain the broader implications of Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka. Briefly describe the impact of television on American culture. Describe how the launching of the Soviet satellite Sputnik challenged America’s technological and military superiority. Describe the presidential campaign of 1960.

Concepts Checker’s speech, “give me a week and I’ll come up with something” – Ike “The stupidest thing I ever did...” Ike on Earl Warren Iran, Guatemala and CIA Elvis, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Ed Sullivan Sen. Joseph McCarthy Brown v. Board, Simple Justice, Thurgood Marshall, Montgomery Bus Boycott, MLK, Jr., Rosa Parks Beat Generation, Allen Ginsburg Open Skys, U-2 Sputnik Little Rock, Arkansas “Hidden-hand” presidency

I. A New Direction Dwight Eisenhower’s “New Republicanism” leaves much of Democratic programs intact Ike ends Korean conflict with help of Secretary of State Dulles

II. The Cold War at Home and Abroad Joseph McCarthy continues hunt for communists in America “New Look” changes American military and involves country in covert activities CIA goes undercover in various places Vietnam threatens to become major problem

III. The Civil Rights Movement Supreme Court strikes down “separate but equal” with 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka ruling Montgomery Bus Boycott introduces nation to Martin Luther King, Jr.

IV. The Age of Television “Golden age of television” gives America Ed Sullivan, politicians, and situation comedies Quiz show scandals rock country and bring reforms to television industry

V. Youth Culture Teenagers are defined by their music, especially rock ‘n’ roll Elvis Presley mesmerizes youth and changes face of music Beat Generation charts different course, clearly showing their discontent

VI. Crises and Celebration President Eisenhower suffers heart attack but recovers Polio is defeated with Salk vaccine Federal Highway Act establishes plans for interstate system Hungarian civil war and Suez crisis show usefulness of diplomacy

National Highway System ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.

Chevrolet Ad

Israel, the Middle East, and the Suez Crisis, 1956

VII. A Second Term Little Rock school integration forces Eisenhower to deal with civil rights Soviets shock Americans with launch of Sputnik Summit meeting derailed by Soviets shooting down American spy plane Nixon runs for president in 1960, but Democrat John F. Kennedy wins close election

Election of 1960 ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Web