R OSA PARKS By: Daniella P. Ella F.
E ARLY Y EARS Rosa Parks was born on February She grow up in Alabama. She didn’t have a very good childhood because she was not treated fairly because of her skin color. There were a lot of signs that said “white people only!”
F AMILY L IFE Rosa parks got married to Raymond Parks in She had no children.
I MPORTANT C ONTRIBUTIONS Rosa parks changed the world bye not giving up her seat to a white man on the bus. Rosa was a strong woman who stood up for what she believe in. Her bravery is celebrated today. She was responsible for the bus-boycott which eventually resulted in a Supreme Court ruling.
O THER I NTERESTING F ACTS W E L EARNED She was a huge part in the fight for rights. Worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr. After her bus boycott, the US Supreme Court ruled that the segregation laws in Alabama were breaking our Constitution. Rosa Parks wrote an autobiography called Rosa Parks: My Story in She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
T HE END We hope you enjoyed our presentation.