The Civil Rights Movement Page 916 Chapter
Section 1 Early Demands for equality African Americans continue struggle for equality in this country Still treated like second class citizens A. Segregation – Plessy V. Ferguson- separate but equal – De jure segregation- actually in the law- Jim Crow Laws – De facto segregation- unwritten but custom or tradition – Segregation in both north and South
B. Civil Rights Movement Grows Truman desegregates military An American Dilemma? CORE? Jackie Robinson joined Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947 Racial violence erupts in South- Truman calls for Committee on Civil Rights, but Southern representatives stop anything from getting done
C. Brown V. Board of Ed. NAACP challenges discrimination in the courts Thurgood Marshall led the way Challenged individual cases- McLaurin v Oklahoma, Sweatt V. Painter Brown would challenge concept of Separate but Equal Earl Warren- Supreme court justice Court decided unanimously not constitutional Desegregate with all deliberate speed
D. Resistance Many would resist Ku Klux Klan membership would rise Southern Manifesto- 100 southern congress members White Citizenship Councils
E. Little Rock Little Rock Arkansas School board chose 9 AA students to integrate high school Governor Orval Faubus used State National Guard to block their entrance Eventually Eisenhower sent in Federal troops for the whole year Civil Rights Act of gov’t investigates violations of Civil Rights
F. Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks- refused to give up her seat, arrested NAACP challenged in court as boycott went on for a year MLK would become leader of the movement- called for non-violence After a year- courts ruled in favor of desegregating busses
G. SCLC Southern Christian Leadership Conference established to help organize and lead non- violent protest all over the country