INF 123: Software Architectures, Distributed Systems, and Interoperability Discussion Session Week 1 - Spring 2008 Instructor: Prof. Richard N. Taylor
Overview Installation and Configuration to Run LL 1. Install Eclipse 2. Install Subclipse Plug-in 3. Install ArchStudio Plug-in 4. Install ArchStudio and Myx Source Code 5. Install Lunar Lander 6. Install OpenGL Libraries 7. Run ArchStudio 8. In the new Eclipse Instance: 1.Install Myx Source Code 2.Install Lunar Lander 9. Run Lunar Lander
Eclipse Eclipse is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) It’s an open source project Consortium of companies, including IBM Launched in November 2001 It’s a framework for software tools (“plug-ins” in Eclipse terminology) Main component is the workbench Ships with two plug-ins JDT (Java Development Tools) and PDE (Plug-in Development Environment)
Eclipse Concepts Resources Perspectives Views
Organizing Resources project folder file Workbench Workspace It is possible to drag and drop resources directly between Workbench and the directory structure
Workbench Components Workbench contains perspectives Perspective contains views and editors views editor perspective
Subclipse It is an Eclipse plug-in It aims to provide all Subversion functionality to the Eclipse development environment. It is an open source project:
ArchStudio 4 Developed by the Institute for Software Research at UCI Environment of integrated tools for Modeling Visualizing Analyzing Implementing software and systems architectures. Based on Eclipse open development platform It is an open-source software and systems architecture development environment:
Myx Framework Myx Framework (Myx.fw) can be used to implement Myx applications in Java. Myx.fw provides Java libraries that contain the constraints of the Myx Style. The Myx Architectural Style: It was used to build ArchStudio 4. It is a set of rules for composing the components and connectors of an application like ArchStudio. More Information: tml tml
Lunar Lander It is the classic Lunar Lander game with a 3D interface Developed by undergraduate and graduate classes in ICS Developed in Java using Myx.fw It uses OpenGL libraries to support the 3D graphs
1. Install Eclipse Download Eclipse Classic 3.3.2: Unzip it and run eclipse.exe Useful Links: Eclipse Glossary: List of Plug-ins:
2. Install Subeclipse Follow the instructions here: See the considerations in the next slide, before installing it.
2. Install Subeclipse - Considerations Update site: In the Select features to install, only select Subclipse Plugin:
2. Install Subeclipse - Verification To see the Subeclipse Perspective: go to Window->Open Perspective->Others- >SVN Repository Exploring
3. Install ArchStudio Plug-in Go to this url and follow the instructions in the “Video Tutorial showing how to install ArchStudio 4” setup-easy.html Following these instructions you will install ArchStudio 4 as an Eclipse Plug-in. Before installing see the considerations in the next slide.
3. Install ArchStudio - Considerations Update site: Please, select all the components during the installation:
3. Install ArchStudio - Verification To see the ArchStudio Perspective: go to Window->Open Perspective->Others- >ArchStudio
4. Install ArchStudio and Myx Source Code Go to this url and follow the instructions in the “Checking Out for the First Time” section. setup-fromsource.html Before installing see the considerations in the next slide.
4. Install ArchStudio and Myx Source Code - Consideration You only need to download the “ArchStudio 4 Project Set File” and follow the steps in the website for this file.
4. Install ArchStudio and Myx Source Code - Verification The installation will take some time. At the end of it, you should have these projects in your Package Explorer
5. Install Lunar Lander Download the source code from the class website and extract it in a directory different than your eclipse workspace. Go to File->New->Java Project. ProjectName: LunarLander Select Create project from exiting source and indicate the LunarLander directory where you extracted the source code.
5. Install LL - Verification You should have the LunarLander project in your Package Explorer. The errors that appear will be solved after installing the OpenGL libraries.
6. Install OpenGL Libraries Find out the location of the JDK for Eclipse. Go to: Window->Preferences. Select Java->Installed JREs (In Mac: Eclipse->Preferences) Take note of the location of the JDK. We will refer to this location as
6. Install OpenGL Libraries For Windows Users: Donwload the following zip file: Unzip it Copy jogl.dll and jogl_awt.dll to /jre/bin In Eclipse, add external jar for jogl.jar and gluegen-rt.jar. See Note. For MAC Users: Download the following zip file: Unzip it In Eclipse, add external jar for jogl.jar and gluegen-rt.jar. See Note. Copy *.jnilib (4 files) to the LunarLander folder and refresh your project in Eclipse Note: To add external jar: Select LunarLander Project. Go to Project- >Properties, Java Build Path->Libraries. Click “Add External JARs…”. Now your LunarLander project should be free of errors.
7. Run ArchStudio Go to the Plug-in Development Perspective In the Package Explorer, select the project: edu.uci.isr.archstudio4 (the first one) Press the Run button
8. In the new Eclipse instance The previous step will open a new eclipse instance to run the ArchStudio Plug-in The following steps should be done in this new instance
8.1 Install Myx.fw Source Code Go to the Java Perspective in Eclipse Go to File->Import. Select Other- >Checkout Projects from SVN. Create new Repository with the following URL:
8.1 Install Myx.fw Select myxfw->trunk->edu.uci.isr.myx.fw and Finish.
8.1 Install Myx.fw - Verification Check that you have the project “edu.uci.isr.myx.fw” in your Package Explorer.
8.2 Install Lunar Lander Go to File->New->Java Project. ProjectName: LunarLander Select Create project from exiting source and indicate the LunarLander directory where you extracted the source code you downloaded for step 5. Refer to Step 5 to verify the installation
9. Run LL Application Go to the ArchStudio Perspective In the Navigator view, select LunarLander->arch.xml Right click on arch.xml and select Open with AIM Launcher
9. Run LL Application In the Outline View, select “Lunar Lander” In the AIM Launcher View, click on Instantiate