Marine Core Service MY OCEAN Marine Core Service Implementation Group Meeting, 30 September 2009, EC Project Status, Sept. 09 Pierre BAHUREL.


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN Marine Core Service Implementation Group Meeting, 30 September 2009, EC Project Status, Sept. 09 Pierre BAHUREL

Marine Core Service What is « MyOcean » ? n MyOcean is a PROJECT –An FP7 project, the GMES « Marine Fast Track » project –3 years ; has started on 1st April 2009, will end 31 March 2012 –Cost 20 M€/year, with 11 M€/year EC funding 2009 – 2010 – 2011 – (2012) n MyOcean is a SERVICE –The main component of the « GMES » Marine Core Service –Global & regional Ocean monitoring and forecasting Marine Core Service n MyOcean is a TEAM of European partners –61 partners, out of 29 countries ; an effort of ~150 person/year –20 core partners committed for operations; european best monitoring and forecasting systems Pan-European team

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN The challenge

Marine Core Service A European Marine “core” service seeking for the “european added value” From GMES MCS Implementation Group report by P.Ryder & al, oct 2005  In 3 years, create the maximum “core” value for the users by providing on a reliable basis “ the common denominator data for all users in the marine sector, in other words the information for existing & new downstream services.”

Marine Core Service The Mission

Marine Core Service Status regarding … n The MyOcean FP7 project n The MyOcean Service n The MyOcean Production System n The MyOcean User Interface n The MyOcean Governance

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN The MyOcean FP7 project

Marine Core Service The FP7 project, status n Contract OK –Contract : 1st of Jan 2009 (39 months) –Administrative issues stabilized (REA) n Consortium stabilized –IMS-METU (Turkey) has entered the consortium –61 partners (incl. coordinator) ; 29 countries n Fundings –First advanced payment received, and distributed to consortium n Work –Successful Technical Kick-off : 1st of Apr 2009 (gives the T0 milestone)

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN The MyOcean service

Marine Core Service n Ocean Core Information –Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Color, Sea Level, Ice variables, Bio variables –Hindcast, NowCast, Forecast n Ocean Core Information –Temperature, Salinity, Currents, Color, Sea Level, Ice variables, Bio variables –Hindcast, NowCast, Forecast n One single desk –access point to the MyOcean pan-european information n One single desk –access point to the MyOcean pan-european information n Open Data Policy –Open access –Free access n Open Data Policy –Open access –Free access The MyOcean Service

Marine Core Service The MyOcean Service, status n The service has started the first day with a demo –a V0 version is available –It is based on the continuation of MERSEA FP6 n The service is regularly improved : target is 2010 –Homogeneisation, better definition, new products –The VERSION 1 is expected in Oct n Service definition is a living process –List of the core products –Management of redundancies (necessary, unnecessary) n The Product Portfolio gives a list of products –Model data, Observation Data

Marine Core Service The MyOcean areas The Global Ocean + 6 European Seas

Marine Core Service The MyOcean offer  MyOcean will  “deliver regular and systematic reference information (processed data, elaborated products) on the state of the oceans and regional seas:  at the resolution required by intermediate users & downstream service providers, of known quality and accuracy,  for the global and European regional seas.”  Physical state of the ocean, and primary ecosystem  For global ocean, and main European basins and seas  Large and basin scale ; mesoscale physics  Hindcast, Nowcast, Forecast  Data, Assimilation and Models

Marine Core Service The MyOcean value … for a Marine Core Service porfolio n A simple and single portfolio of products for the whole pan- European MyOcean marine core service n A reference definition shared by users, producers and stakeholders, regularly updated n A simple and single portfolio of products for the whole pan- European MyOcean marine core service n A reference definition shared by users, producers and stakeholders, regularly updated Standard parameters

Marine Core Service One single address:

Marine Core Service

Marine Core Service Free access n 7 Apr 2009, Sea Temperature, Surface

Marine Core Service

Marine Core Service Free access n 1 Apr 2009, Sea Ice Thickness

Marine Core Service

Marine Core Service Free access n 4 Apr 2009, Currents, Surface

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN The MyOcean production system

Marine Core Service The MyOcean System, status n The 12 production centres are active –5 Thematic Assembly Centres (Observations) –7 Monitoring and Forecasting Centres (Model/Assimilation) n Consistency internal to the Prod. Centres is the priority –Each Centre is based on a partnership n The Common components are under development –The Management Information System –The WebPortal (only a demo is in place) –The Service Desk n A first Technical Review (end Oct) will assess the situation

Marine Core Service The Consortium 61 partners throughout Europe

Marine Core Service The Production Units

Marine Core Service The Production Units Sea Level Ocean Color Sea Surface Temp. Sea Ice & Wind In Situ Arctic Ocean Baltic Sea Atlantic NWS Atlantic IBI Mediterranean Sea Global Ocean Black Sea 5 Thematic Assembly Centres 7 Monitoring and Forecasting Centres Observations Models Service Desk

Marine Core Service Qualification Steps

Marine Core Service Project Review, status n MyOcean follows EC guidelines for Service/System Qualification –Based on Eumetsat Qualification review n On Oct, the « Product Critical review » and the « System Requirement review » –Currently under Preparation –Hundreds of pages written by Partners : very heavy burden n A Panel Review has been set up –EC Experts : P.Ryder (co-Chair), G.Campbell, G.Duchossois, R.Husband –External Experts : L.Sarlo (co-Chair) + technical and user experts n MCS IG could play a role in « reviewing » for EC this Review Process: –MyOcean is the first FP7 project one to explore this new process –A Review every 6 months –The cost is heavy for partners : some adjustments towards efficiciency could be discussed

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN The MyOcean User Interface

Marine Core Service Users of the MyOcean core service are specialized service providers of the downstream sector. Intermediate users

Marine Core Service  Climate  Marine Environment  Seasonal and weather forecasting  Offshore  Maritime transport and safety  Fisheries  Research  General Public Areas of benefit  The MyOcean market covers a wide of application sectors

Marine Core Service Market Segmentation  The users, their requirements, their assessment Area 1 « MARINE SAFETY » (marine operations, oil spill combat, ship routing, defense, search & rescue, …) Area 2 « MARINE RESSOURCES » (fish stock management, ICES, FAO, …) Area 3 « MARINE AND COASTAL ENVIRONMENT » (water quality, pollution, coastal activities, …) Area 4 « CLIMATE & SEASONAL FORECASTING » (climate monitoring, ice, seasonal forecasting,..)

Marine Core Service MyOcean organization to market user’s needs n A network of partners all around Europe n A privileged link with first- rank users –EU agencies –Conventions and policies n A MyOcean « core user group » n A MyOcean User Requirement database A MyOcean network involving all European maritime countries Partners networking 29 countries for user’s requirements Linking with Member States key services, linking with the Maritime Policy, linking with conventions HELCOM, OSPAR, UNEP/MAP, ICES, … EEA

Marine Core Service User categories & Service User CategoryUsers (ex.)Service ProvidedAgreementInterface « GUEST » Anyone on the web Web Browsing/ Web « STANDARD » Users requesting some data from time to time Web, Visu, Download Standard SLA (one click on the web) Service Desk « STANDARD + »Users requesting permanent data flows Web Visu, Regular Download through subscription Standard SLA (one click on the web) Service Desk « MAJOR ACCOUNT » Important Users (EEA, EMSA, …) Idem Standard, + demo products, exceptions Specific SLAService Desk + Reference Partner

Marine Core Service User Interface, status n User Requirements Documents (URDs) –WP18 (K.Nittis) has collected URDs from a wide range of partners : first description of Users requirements (mostly national centres) n Service Level Agreements (SLAs) –WP17 (D.Obaton) has prepared the standard SLA (for Std and Std+ users) n Major Accounts : EEA and EMSA –Ongoing discussion with EEA (ref. partner INGV) and EMSA (ref. partner NERSC) –The most advanced process is with EEA. The process is slow : first SLA in time. n Service provided –Some requests from « Standard » Users going through the Desk, despite a weak added value for the moment –In Oct (this year), the open data policy will be the only rule

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN The MyOcean governance

Marine Core Service The Consortium 61 partners, leaders in oceanography 1/3 are producers 1/3 for support and R&D 1/3 bridging with users

Marine Core Service The project organization

Marine Core Service


Marine Core Service Governance, Status n The Board –P.Bahurel, M.Bell, F.Jacq, J.Johannessen, PY Le Traon, N.Pinardi, J.She, + A.Podaire (sec) –Monthly meetings n The Advisory Committee –EuroGOOS, EEA, EMSA, Eumetnet, Eumetsat, ESA, ECMWF, DG Mare –First Meeting : Nov 6 n The Core User Group –HCMR (K.Nittis), EEA, EMSA, ECMWF, Helcom, Ospar, Unep/Map, Ices, + partners + Downstream projects –First meeting today n The Scientific Advisory Committee –13 members, senior scientists –Starting now with the R&D Open Call

Marine Core Service Board’s current issues, Status n The MyOcean Follow On Phase (MCS) –Scope –Governance –Fundings n The Scope of the core service –Multi-Products and redundancies –Wave –Major Account and downstream

Marine Core Service MY OCEAN Contact point MERCATOR OCEAN (Pierre BAHUREL) Telecopy: