Qualifications Update: Geography
Developing qualifications Progression More open and flexible requirements Assessment which supports learning Refreshed and relevant contexts for learning Personalisation and choice Robust and credible
Relationship between CfE and SCQF Levels Continues to 12 ≈ SCQF Levels 4 4 CfE Levels 3 3 2 2 1 1 early years
National 5 Specimen Question Paper Key points Processing and gathering techniques taken out of Standard Grade question paper and into the assignment Geography skills may be sampled in any section of the question paper Added Value is captured in an assignment at National 4 in the Added Value Unit and by a question paper and a Coursework assignment at National 5 These provides opportunities for personalisation and choice as well as challenge and application
National 5 Specimen Question Paper Key points Taking the best of Standard Grade and Intermediate 2… Some topics will be new to both Standard Grade and Intermediate 2, such as climate change Weather systems and synoptic charts will be new to centres used to delivering Intermediate 2 Topics such as limestone and coastal scenery, and environmental hazards and health, will be new to centres used to delivering Standard Grade In the Physical Environments section of the question paper, learners will always have the choice of answering either questions on upland glaciated landscapes and coasts or on limestone scenery and river valleys In some years there may be two different Ordnance Survey map extracts on which questions may be based
Unit Structure National 3 National 4 National 5 Geography: Physical Environments Geography: Human Environments Geography: Global Issues Added Value Unit: Assignment
New Quality Assurance arrangements Will cover new National 1 to National 5 from 2013/14 New arrangements will promote shared understanding of national standards through a collaborative and partnership approach New ‘Nominee’ role - provides a pool of nationally trained experts Increased verification in the first 3 years, then an approach based on information gathered Verification in Nov/Dec, Feb and Apr/May - allows for early identification of issues and support/guidance to be given
Unit Assessment Support Packs - key messages Are available on the SQA Secure Website, are confidential documents and should be treated as such and held securely Use one of three approaches to generating evidence: Unit by Unit approach Combined approach Portfolio approach Assessors may use the assessments provided in UASPs as they are to adapt to develop your own assessments They will be made available in Word format for this purpose Unit Assessment Support packages replace NABs. They are example assessments – a blueprint / springboard which you can use as they are and/ or adapt to your learners and contexts studied. They build on excellent assessment practice in the broad general education and illustrate valid and reliable assessments which use a variety of ways of gathering evidence…remember that whatever the way of gathering evidence, the assessment standards remain unchanged and must be met… Package 1 is a Unit by Unit approach, package 2 will illustrate a combined approach and package 3 a portfolio approach to assessing and gathering evidence. Unit Assessment Support – the first packages were published on an SQA secure electronic website at the end of October 2012. Packs 2 and 3 will be published in February 2013 and April 2013 respectively. These are confidential documents and should be treated as such and held in a secure environment. Teachers and lecturers may use the assessments provided in Unit Assessment Support Packs as they are, adapt/modify them, and/or use them to develop their own assessments. They have been made available in Word format for this purpose. Centres may also develop their own Unit assessments and have them prior verified. N5 Specimen Question Papers will be published on the main SQA website in February 2013 and N5 Specimen Coursework will be published in April 2013. N4 Added Value Assessment Support will be published on the main website ? in April 2013.
Unit Assessment Support Packs - key messages Valid from August 2013 encourage professional judgement allow assessors to chose appropriate contexts and forms of evidence support, motivate and challenge learners Each pack provides details of a broad based task type of evidence to be gathered how this is to be judged against assessment standards an example of a Candidate Assessment and how it should be assessed Most important aspect for SQA is that standards are met and that all evidence is authentically the candidate’s own work
Unit Assessment Support Packs - key messages Assessment approaches should support and be consistent with learning and teaching approaches and the needs of individual candidates Assessment judgements are made on a pass fail basis Contexts may be changed to suit or be made more relevant to candidates, but must of the same level of demand and difficulty Where assessment is by observation or oral questioning, evidence should include assessor comments that show clearly the basis on which assessment judgments have been made UAS packs also include examples of recording documentation: assessors may adapt these to suit local needs and approaches
Assessment Support Schedule 2012/13 Oct 12 to Mar 13 N3 to N5 Unit Assessment Support (Package 1) Feb 13 N3 to N5 Unit Assessment Support (Package 2) N5 Specimen Question Paper Apr 13 N3 to N5 Unit Assessment Support (Package 3) N5 Specimen Coursework N4 Added Value Assessment Support
Geography Unit Assessment National 3 to National 5
Unit assessment Flexible and open Assessment Standards and Evidence Requirements in Units Greater range of techniques and methodologies for assessment – encouraged through Unit assessment support packages Assessments can be designed to provide evidence across more than one outcome or Unit – combined assessments More opportunities to gather naturally occurring evidence – assessment as part of learning and teaching
Unit Assessment Support packages – purpose Assessment support packages will be provided which you can use to: Assess your candidates Adapt for your own assessment programmes Help you develop your own assessments
Unit Assessment Support packages – key features Valid from August 2013 Designed to encourage professional judgement Provide broad-based tasks – allow assessors to choose appropriate context and forms of evidence Show range of approaches to generating assessment evidence Give information on the type of evidence which could be gathered and how this is to be judged against Assessment Standards
Unit assessment support packages - approaches Unit by Unit approach – discrete assessment tasks for each Unit Package 2 Combined approach – groups Outcomes and Assessment Standards from different Units Package 3 Portfolio approach – gathering evidence assessment standard by assessment standard
Assessment Package 1 Physical Environments Human Environments Global Issues You can use the illustrative examples provided and adapt these to suit the contexts that your learners have studied or the kind of approach that would suit them best N3 Responses to questions Mapping skills Rivers and valleys Visual product Research skills UK and Brazil: population and land use Oral presentation Use of numerical and graphical information Climate change N4 Glaciated uplands Population and land use Health: Cholera N5 Coastal landscapes UK and India: population, traffic and land use Environmental hazards: earthquakes and volcanoes
Assessment Package 1 Although a range of approaches to gathering evidence for Unit assessment have been illustrated: the standard applied is the same irrespective of the approach taken it is the geographical skills, knowledge and understanding which are being assessed – do not inflate the demands of the Unit there should be consistency in conditions across different techniques all approaches should be manageable for learners and centres
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Overview of assessment States purpose of assessment Gives description of assessment task Indicates flexibility of task and opportunities for adaptation Suggests prior learning Suggests approaches to generating evidence
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Assessment conditions Candidates should have sufficient time to complete the task Level of teacher/lecturer support should be appropriate for level but evidence must be the candidate's own work When group work is used –evidence of individual achievement is required
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Evidence to be gathered Sufficient for QA purposes but not burdensome Practical approaches to retaining evidence e.g. candidate responses/product, assessor checklists, supplementary material
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Teacher prompts and questioning may be used to: Confirm evidence is candidate’s own work For clarification/confirmation of standard being met To supplement oral/visual/written presentation if necessary
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Judging evidence Standards need to be consistently applied, irrespective of the approach taken to generating evidence General principles and specific exemplification given Candidates may provide evidence of meeting the standard outwith the specific prompt – this should be credited
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Reassessment SQA policy continues to apply Only need to reassess specific Outcomes or assessment standards not yet met
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Recording documentation Exemplars given Centres should adapt, as required to meet their own needs
Key points from Unit Assessment Support packs Assessment for candidates - task Illustrative only Centres encouraged to adapt to their own contexts
Workshop 1 Task 1 Use the materials provided: Physical Environments: National 3, 4 and 5 Human Environments: National 4 Global Issues: National 5 In small groups of 2-3, discuss The assessment tasks illustrated Approaches to generating evidence Making judgements How could you use, adapt or model the Unit Assessment materials to support you in your own centres?
Geography Added Value Assessments: - National 5 Course Assessment - National 4 Added Value Unit
Adding Value – National 4, National 5 Each Course at National 4 and National 5 includes assessment of Added Value For National 4, the added value is in an Added Value Unit - not graded For National 5, the added value is in the Course Assessment - graded A - D (as at present) Question Paper Assignment
Added Value Makes the Course more than the sum of its parts Builds on current Course assessment and Group Award approaches Defined as breadth, challenge and/or application as outlined in Building the Curriculum 5 May involve accumulation, assimilation, integration and/or application of skills, knowledge and understanding Uses one or two of 7 defined assessment methods Added value – In new National 4 Courses, the Added Value Unit selects from one or more of the other Units in the Course. In National 5 Courses, added value assessment samples across the other Units in the Course – it must not duplicate the assessment of the other Units in the Course but “adds” to this. Added value therefore, is the difference between achieving the Units in a Course and the Course itself. Added value – assessment of added value builds on current practice in National Courses and also approaches used in Group Awards such as HNCs/HNDs. Also Baccalaureates. Definition of added value - added value is defined as breadth, challenge and/or application. It may provide the challenge of more complexity and/or the application of skills in less familiar contexts. Its use may vary from Course to Course. Added value may involve - eg accumulation, assimilation, integration and/or application of skills , knowledge and understanding drawn from the other Units in the Course on a sample basis (National 5 Courses) or selected from one or more of the other Units in the Course (National 4 Courses) Agreed assessment methods - added value assessment is based on one (or sometimes two) of the seven agreed assessment listed earlier - or list here?
Controlled Assessment Where the assessment method is not a question paper, SQA has introduced the concept of controlled assessment to ensure fairness and reliability 3 stages of assessment: Setting, Conducting, Marking the assessment Each will have a defined level of control: SQA-led activity, Shared responsibility between SQA and centres, Centre-led Subject-specific decisions, but mostly SQA-led activity in initial years
National 5 – Course Assessment Two components Question Paper (75%) Assignment (25%) Broad parity between skills and knowledge and understanding across the whole course assessment Externally assessed Graded A-D
National 5 – Question Paper Draws on topics, approaches and formats familiar from Standard Grade Credit and Intermediate 2 Out of 60 marks Greater emphasis on knowledge and understanding than skills (34 marks: 16 marks) Range of marks – 3, 4, 5 & 6 Three sections each worth approximately 20 marks: Physical Environments; Human Environments; Global Issues Section C has six options Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
National 5 – Question Paper Knowledge and Understanding Questions New topics such as climate change Weather systems and synoptic charts (not currently part of Intermediate 2) Limestone and coastal scenery and environmental hazards and health (not currently part of Standard Grade) In Physical Environments section, candidates will always have the choice of either glaciated uplands or coastal landscapes and upland limestone or rivers and valleys In some years there may be two different OS map extracts More choice for candidates
National 5 – Question Paper Skills questions Processing and gathering techniques taken out of Standard grade paper and assessed in assignment Geography skills may be assessed in any section of the paper and this will change from year to year Mapping skills Use of numerical and graphical information
National 5 – Assignment Opportunity for learner personalisation and choice Out of 20 marks Externally assessed Controlled assessment in up to 1 hour Greater emphasis on skills than knowledge and understanding (14 marks: 6 marks)
National 5 – Assignment Template for ‘write-up’ of Assignment Report Use of specified resources in assessment Brief available on-line – does not change from year to year Generic marking instructions available on-line
National 4 Added Value Unit Assignment Opportunity for learner personalisation and choice Flexibility in how the learner presents findings Internally assessed by centres and externally quality assured by SQA Conducted under some supervision and control
National 4 Added Value Unit Assignment Support materials produced by SQA to provide advice and guidance on: the degree of support which may be provided assessment conditions nature and amount of evidence to be retained for quality assurance purposes making assessment judgements
Relationship between National 4 and National 5 Assignment Designed to provide progression and articulation Aim to support learners moving between levels and provide flexibility for centres
Relationship between National 4 and National 5 Assignment No automatic ‘fall-back’ to level below Necessary to show attainment of assessment standards of N4 Added Value Unit; met assessment standards of AVU at N4 retain evidence subject to quality assurance
Workshop 2 Task 2 Use the materials provided: Further information on Course assessment at N5 Assignment read across document In small groups of 2-3, discuss National 4 Added Value Unit National 5 Course Assessment Question Paper Assignment Relationship between the N4 AVU Assignment and the N5 Course work component - Assignment