Brand exponent Inferiority complex
Trust Confidence in CEO plays a vital role in the general perception of the company –Sweden 86% –Norway97% –Denmark94% 9 out of 10 investors emphasize CEO reputation when deciding to invest Confidence - influence - perception
Who We Surveyed CEOs Media GovernmentOfficials Top Executives Financial Analysts/ Institutional Investors Building CEO Capital TM
CEO’s share of reputation capital
Dennis KozlowskiKenneth LayBernie Ebbers TycoEnronWorldCom
Scandinavia Confidence in CEO General perception of company Norway Denmark Sweden
Confidence in CEO General perception of company Norway Denmark Sweden
Knowledge and confidence Knowledge of CEO Confidence in CEO Norway Denmark Sweden
CEO Honeymoon
Information channels Brokers and analysts: Emphasize general assemblies / stockholders meetings and personal experience
Attributes that drive confidence in CEOs Motivates & inspires employees Attracts/keeps quality management team Communicates clear vision INSIDE company Demands high ethical standards Being believable USA Manages crises effectively Understands how outside changes affect the company High ethical demands on them self and others Executes well on strategic vision Is able to achieve results and profitability NOR Manages crises effectively Understands how outside changes affect the company Attracts/retains quality management team Executes well on strategic vision Is able to achieve results and profitability DAN Attracts/retains quality management team Executes well on strategic vision Understands how outside changes affect the company Communicates clear vision INSIDE company Manages crises effectively SWE
Dennis KozlowskiKenneth LayBernie Ebbers TycoEnronWorldCom
Talking to Wall Street Financial Analysts/ Institutional Investors
Trustworthyness is key Knowledge is a prerequisite Demands conciousness Appearance is important Accessability is lacking
The big picture Strategic Credibility Strategic Capability Corporate Performance Corporate Communications CEO Credibility Improved relations with financial community Increased employee moral Improved relations with stockholders
Building confidence ”...a promise kept” ”A strong brand achieves a higher price/value and better loyalty than a weak brand” “Differentiation and relevance are brand drivers” What is a brand?
Corporate/Financial Brand Communications Corporate Brand Differentiation Differentiation Relevance Relevance Business Results Sales Sales Earnings Earnings Cash Flow Cash Flow Fin. performance Stock price Stock price Price/Earnings Price/Earnings Market valuation Market valuation
Brand exponent CEO responsibility Define core values/messages –Differentiation and relevance Communicate messages and live the values CEO is the chief exponent of the corporate brand and its values CEO and the Corporate Brand
Main activities The right message –Investable Idea –Guidance policy Know your market –Perceptions –Value Drivers Training –Presentation and media Relations and publicity –Build relations How can an IRO build CEO reputation
The message What? –Unique and relevant –Platform How? –Training –Speakers opportunities When? –Accessability –Conciousness Differentiation and relevance
Anglo-Saxon inferiority complex “Companies must focus on what’s distinct and make it relevant” The Lord Watson of Richmond, CBE Chairman Burson-Marsteller Europe