Central Carolina RESA PSUG 5/26/15
Contact Information Aaron Bissonnette Sue Ann Stalnaker NC DPI Service Desk Mailbox: Please do not send an or call the service desk unless you are a designated school official authorized to submit service desk tickets to the Home Base Support Center
End of Year Process SY Led by Wendy Jones NC-SIS Documentation – –Updated and re-released for closeout.
EOY EOY begins June 30, 2015 –System will be locked down to all users at that time. –ALL LEAs/Charters: Complete Validations Review the LEA EOY Contact List available on –If the 24/7 EOY Contact or Who Will Execute has changed, complete the 2015 EOY Contact Update Submit a ticket to the HBSC, subject line: 2015 EOY Contact. Attach the completed EOY Contact Update Form.
EOY/E-Transcript Diploma Issue Date: –Must be posted in PowerSchool within 10 days after the last day of the school year. –If Diploma Issue Date is blank, or not posted in 10-day window, then the final transcript request will fail and will not be delivered to the destination college/university. –The Diploma Issue Date cannot be back-dated; if your school misses this 10-day window, then all outstanding electronic transcripts will fail (for students that do not have a Diploma Issue Date posted). –Post the Diploma Issue Date no later than June 20, 2015 in order for e-transcripts to be processed through CFNC.org prior to the End of Year shutdown (June 30). –Pending e-transcripts not processed by June 30 will be processed after EOY is complete and the system is back up. Note: It is best practice to post final marks before entering the Diploma Issue Date.
EOY/Program Schools Program Schools (School # < 300) –Must be prepared for EOY like traditional schools. –Setup Years and Terms Year – Term - 7/6/15 – 6/30/16 –Update Program and FTE school with all Grade Levels Assign Default FTE for all grade levels
EOY/All Schools Create Years and terms for Assign Next School Indicator for all students Assign next year grade for all students Ensure each grade level has a default FTE assigned in school setup.
EOY/Students EOY Process is official mechanism to promote/retain NC students. All students must have next grade & next school. Transfers will happen post-EOY
EOY Validations School Enrollment Validations: –Start > System Reports > System > School Enrollment Audit Section Enrollment Validation: –Start> Reports > Run Reports > Section Enrollment Audit Student File Values –Next school, next grade, schoolID, etc. Pre-EOY Checklist (Appendix B)
EOY/Reports Run reports for current year data to preserve: –LEA created Object reports –Report Cards –Transcripts –Form Letters –State Reports Canned –PowerSchool Reports
EOY/Scheduling Scheduling processes in PowerScheduler must be completed prior to EOY. Schedules from PowerScheduler must be committed before running the EOY process. Recommendation to run commit process 7-10 days prior to EOY date to ensure process completes successfully. –HBSC ticket if process does not complete correctly. –Commit can only be executed one time.
EOY/Post Process Validation Post EOY Checklist (Appendices A & E) –LEA Designated contact completes checklist to verify data transfer to new year (15-16) –Issues Urgent to HBSC
Non-EOY Discussion Topics