EMT 2390L Lecture 6 Dr. Reyes Reference: The Linux Command Line, W.E. Shotts
Outline Repositories Networking Files Archiving and Backup
Repositories Linux has repositories where you can download and install software/packages apt-get update – command used to update the system packages from the repository apt-get install package_name – command used to install new programs/packages apt-get remove package_name - command used to remove programs/packages
Networking ping – command used to determine if a remote location is reachable o ping linuxcommand.com o ping localhost netstat – command used to examine various network settings and statistics. o netstat –ie ftp – file transfer protocol wget – command used to downloading files o wget linuxcommand.com o ls o gedit index.html
Files locate - command that performs a search of pathnames and outputs those that matches the substring o locate bin/zip o locate zip o locate zip | grep bin You may also use the find command which has more options but it is more difficult
Archiving and Backup gzip – command used to compress one or more files o ls -l /etc > foo.txt o ls o gzip foo.txt o ls gunzip – command used to decompress files o ls o gunzip foo.txt o ls tar – command used for archiving files o ls o tar cf desktop.tar Desktop o ls o tar xvf desktop.tar
Archiving and Backup zip – command that is both a compression tool and an archiver o Usage: zip options zipfilename file1, file,2,..., filen unzip - command used to decompress a zip file o Usage: unzip options zipfilename
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