Poetry Terms Quiz
1. “cock-a-doodle-doo” is an example of: A.A metaphorA metaphor B.A refrainA refrain C.OnomotopoeiaOnomotopoeia D.An acrosticAn acrostic
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2. A quatrain is a stanza or poem in which the _ and _ lines rhyme. A.2 nd and 4 th2 nd and 4 th B.4 th and 6 th4 th and 6 th C.6 th and 8 th6 th and 8 th D.5 th and 4 th5 th and 4 th
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3. “She sells seashells by the seashore” is an example of: A.A coupletA couplet B.A syllableA syllable C.A balladA ballad D.AlliterationAlliteration
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4. Haiku is A.A set of verses created from each letter of a word chosen as the poem topicA set of verses created from each letter of a word chosen as the poem topic B.A two-line poem in which the last words of each line rhymeA two-line poem in which the last words of each line rhyme C.A Japanese poem about nature that is composed of 3 unrhymed lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllablesA Japanese poem about nature that is composed of 3 unrhymed lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables D.A line of poetry that has 6 metrical feetA line of poetry that has 6 metrical feet
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5. A unit of spoken language consisting of a single uninterrupted sound forming all or part of a word: A.AccentAccent B.SyllableSyllable C.VerseVerse D.StanzaStanza
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6. Fish Icky Slimy Horrendous A.AcrosticAcrostic B.MetaphorMetaphor C.CoupletCouplet D.SyllableSyllable
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