Graded Unit 2 Marking Exercise HND Accounting Graded Unit 2 Marking Exercise
Graded Unit 2 Fairly new concept to many assessors Although many of us have been assessing these subjects for a while we haven’t had to assess one big piece of work like this. It is likely to take much longer to get materials from candidates than THEY think it will.
Support The support that you will be asked for may range from help with structuring a report to assisting with the understanding about what is a plan. Much of the material that candidates find most useful come from HNC level. Encourage candidates to keep all of their notes from HNC level!
The Planning stage Planning – discussing what they are going to do. This involves showing you, the assessor, that they have identified the skills and resources that they will require to complete the task successfully. The difficulty often arises in candidates getting this all down on paper as evidence. They may well talk a good game but can they supply the evidence?
What may be required of you? Several meetings with candidates on an individual basis. Reading several drafts of the same submissions Supporting candidates as they identify their own learning needs in communication skills.
Marking It’s more difficult to remain objective with the various submissions when you see an improvement over a period of time from your candidates The initial submissions may well be quite poor but remember this is a very steep learning curve for candidates. Your IV procedures will help you to ensure that your marks for the final submission are appropriate.
General Comments on Marking Once again this is something new for us. Marking is about exercising judgement. If the evidence is there for the marks you have awarded all is well. Review pages 15 – 18 of the exemplar for guidelines. Remember the candidates MUST achieve a pass at EACH stage. This makes sense. In reality you would not allow a candidate to progress to the next stage of developing a piece of work when their planning is not acceptable.
And finally ……. Good luck. Thanks for attending today Hope you have found it a useful day Good luck.