Utilitarian approach to war and peace BY PHIL, ISAAC AND BAASIM
What is utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a teleological approach to ethics which judges an action good or bad according to its benefit for the majority of people. This is now known as the Principle of utility: the greatest good for the greatest number
Jeremy BenthamJohn Stuart Mill The greatest good (pleasure) for the greatest number The greatest happiness for the greatest number Aims at the individualAims for the good of all Quantitiive (hedonic calculus)Qualitive All pleasures are the same valueHigher and lower pleasures No consideration of human rightsIndividual liberty is vital Consequentialist Hedonic Calculus: REMOTENESS PURITY RICHNESS INTENSITY CERTAINTY EXTENT DURATION
One of the key debates of utilitarianism when focusing on war and peace is the end result. The loss of life and suffering have to be outweighed by the benefit. - The ends must always justify the means.
Bentham would asses war by arguing if the end result – the greatest good for the greatest number whereas mill would look at the happiness and whether it causes higher or lower pleasures. Mill is qualitative – not merely the amount of pleasure/pain - A contrast between the two is the outcome. For example, torturing terrorist suspects may prevent further crimes but doesn’t one have human rights to not be tortured and a duty to not torture?