Save you auto reply. You can set a day and time when your message will be sent to people that try to wright to you. Go to the Automatic Replies in options to set your own up. You can set your auto reply to your own personal message.
You can start a in options. You can put your own personal reply in the box.
BCC : Stands for “Blind Carbon Copy”` When you send an to someone and they cant see wear it has come from. CC : stands for “carbon Copy” create an exact replicate of the before. To : where you can put the address of the person you are sending the too. Subject : their the subject title of the or thing you are sending throe the . Sending an attachment : you can attach a file to your to send to some one up to 500MB, including: Audio, video, pictures and documents.
You can download files sent throe by clicking on the linked item then alowing Google Chrome or what ever browser you use to download it. But their are some dangers as you must check the sent to you as if it is not from some one you know it could be a viruses are a dangerous file. Always check the address to see if it is a recognised one by hovering over it.
Reply when some one has sent an to you. You can instantly reply to them by pressing reply on their . By forwarding an you can send it to another address which you can do manually or set it up automatically. Say for instance you are away from a work and need it to be sent to a personal one.
Archiving is wear you store old s in folder so they can be easily found. I can have different folders containing different types of s from for instance Friends, Family and School/Work. This is use full as I will not get confused wear s are stored.
I use gropes to speed up sending s to more than one person.
Cable Unplugged – Unplug then plug it back in corresponding to what ever the error corresponds too. Internet Service Provider Error – Call them up and ask. Stolen Password – Call security at the company the passwords for. Software Corruption – Retry sending the .
When writing an you should not use slang (lol, U and Plz) if righting to a co- worker or some one you don’t know personally. You user name sais a lot about you so if your name is joe block then you user name could be JBlock. Avoided using nick names or made up names with numbers in that are unreliable, relatable could be your date of birth or age. (1999 or 15).