Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, and Everything in between
Bellringer What were the conditions like for workers during the Industrial Revolution? Answer with detail.
Laissez-Faire Economics Stemmed from the Enlightenment Free trade No government regulations on business
The Capitalists What is the definition of capitalism?
Adam Smith
Wealth of Nations (1776) Three natural laws of economics Law of self-interest Law of Competition Law of Supply and Demand
Thomas Malthus
An Essay on the Principles of Population (1798) Without wars and epidemics the population will increase faster than the food supply Most people are destined to be poor and miserable
David Ricardo
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817) Permanent underclass of people that will always be poor Believed that under the market system wages would continue to go down as the population increased
Jeremy Bentham Came up with the idea of utilitarianism What is the definition of utilitarianism?
John Stuart Mill
Led the utilitarian movement in the 1800s Wanted more equal division of the profits Favored cooperative system in agriculture Wanted to give women the right to vote
Robert Owen and Utopia Owned factory in Scotland Gave workers inexpensive housing Lived in cooperative community in New Harmony, Indiana
The Socialists Charles FourierSaint-Simon
Karl Marx and Communism
The Communist Manifesto 23 page pamphlet History divided into two classes Bourgeoisie – Have’s Proletariat – Have Not’s History is a class struggle
The future according to Marx Capitalist system would destroy itself Small artisans would be destroyed Workers would unite against the small number of rich in the world Dictator of Proletariat would rule until government and class no longer existed People would share everything
1848 Revolutions Many countries in Europe had revolutions in Revolutions failed to unite workers Factors that divided workers: religion, nationalism, and family
Labor Unions By 1800s labor unions began to form Workers join together to bargain for better working conditions, hours, and pay Workers go on strike if unable to compromise First unions were for skilled workers
Reformers William Wilberforce Jane Addams Horace Mann
Reform Laws Many in government wanted to help factory workers 1833 Factory Act: Children under the age of 9 could not be hired to work in factories, limited number of hours children ages 9-17 could work in the factories 1842 Mines Act: Women and children do not have to work in the mines 1847 Ten Hours Act: Women and Children cannot work more than 10 hrs in a factory