Welcome to the Manage Scoping module of the “MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training” course! This module guides you through the process of managing the scoping efforts of study projects. The “Prepare for Scoping” task would appear on the Work Item List of all potential Scoping Task Lead(s) of the organization selected to perform the scoping work. Only authenticated users with a Scoping Task Lead role can perform scoping tasks. Training manual users will find workflow and role diagrams throughout the modules. Web-based users may click on the “view workflow” and “view role” buttons to see where you are in the workflow and role descriptions with associated organization types. Module Table of Contents Prepare for Scoping (Scoping Checklist) Citrix Web Interface & Load Data Artifacts Prepare for Scoping (Schedule Meetings) Conduct Scoping Meeting Finalize Project Scope (Scoping Cost) Finalize Project Scope (Map Panels) Finalize Project Scope (Scoped Tasks) Self Quiz Where are you in the Workflow? MANAGE SCOPING
The Scoping Checklist screen allows you to verify that certain required scoping tasks were performed. If you have not completed all the tasks, you will need to log out and wait until each of the required activities has been completed (and associated boxes checked). Clicking the Save Work button will save the data you have entered; however, you can not save a screen that is only partially completed. Reminder: Online Help content provides assistance to users and is available throughout the MIP. Throughout this module the role performing the activity and a numerical or descriptive identifier for the screen are displayed in bold on the bottom left and right hand corners of the screen shot to the right. MANAGE SCOPING Scoping Task LeadSS06 Manage Scoping ROLE: Scoping Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for the scoping process (includes preparing and conducting the scoping meeting, and finalizing the scope of the project). Organization Type: Assigned Scoping Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SS06 Prepare for scoping Where are you in the Workflow? Prepare for Scoping/Scoping Checklist
New Functionality in MIP Release 3: There are several places throughout the workflow where the Citrix Web Interface and the Load Data Artifacts portlet are available. While in the workflow, you will notice the Citrix Web Interface and the Load Data Artifacts portlet under the Scoping Checklist. Click the Online Help button for detailed help content about accessing the MIP Production Tools through the Citrix Web Interface or uploading data to the MIP through the Load Data Artifacts portlet. MANAGE SCOPING Citrix Web Interface & Load Data Artifacts
New Functionality in MIP Release 3: Regarding the Citrix Web Interface, Single Sign-on Capability is now available. Upon initial sign-on from the MIP portal, single sign-on capability provides registered Citrix users access to the MIP Production Tools (e.g. DFIRM Tools and WISE Tools) with each subsequent log in to the MIP. Contact MIPHelp at or call FEMA-MAP ( ), select option 2, to sign up for a Citrix account or to verify your account All of the scoping screens will provide access to the MIP Production Tools through Citrix. You can upload your scoping data (e.g. pre-scoping data, meeting minutes, meeting directions/maps) via the Load Data Artifacts portlet, and you will need to enter submission details since metadata will not accompany your scoping data. MANAGE SCOPING Citrix Web Interface & Load Data Artifacts
The Schedule Meetings screen allows you to enter proposed scoping meeting details (i.e. meeting date, time and location). Click “Add Meeting” to save meeting information. Multiple scoping meetings can be planned. The proposed scoping meeting details can be modified or deleted on the Conduct Scoping Meeting screen. For all study workflow tasks, there will be a Review screen (where all task information entered can be reviewed) and a Complete Task screen. MANAGE SCOPING Scoping Task LeadSS06 Prepare for Scoping/Schedule Meetings
The Conduct Scoping Meeting task allows you to modify or delete the planned scoping meeting(s) to reflect the actual scoping meeting(s) that occurred (the planned meeting(s) appear below). For each scoping meeting, click “Modify” to enter the communities in attendance, to indicate whether ordinances were collected and to verify that meeting minutes were collected. You can also modify the meeting date, time and location. Click “Add Meeting” to save scoping meeting details. New scoping meetings can also be entered (for scoping meetings not previously planned). Caution: Do not enter the same meeting twice. This will cause duplicate meetings to be saved in the database. MANAGE SCOPING Scoping Task LeadSS07 Manage Scoping ROLE: Scoping Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for the scoping process (includes preparing and conducting the scoping meeting, and finalizing the scope of the project). Organization Type: Assigned Scoping Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SS07 Conduct scoping meeting Where are you in the Workflow? Conduct Scoping Meeting
After the scoping meetings are conducted, the Finalize Project Scope task will appear on the Work Item List of all potential Scoping Task Lead(s) of the organization selected to perform the scoping work. The Scoping Cost screen allows you to verify that the Scoping tool was populated and to track actual funds spent on scoping efforts. Click “Add Cost” after scoping fund data is entered. You can add multiple scoping costs before clicking “Continue” if the funds came from a different fiscal year. Note: The “Non-FEMA Funds Spent $” field is to enter funds contributed to the scoping task by a leverage partner. If no Non-FEMA funds were spent, users may enter $0. MANAGE SCOPING Scoping Task LeadSS08 Manage Scoping ROLE: Scoping Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for the scoping process (includes preparing and conducting the scoping meeting, and finalizing the scope of the project). Organization Type: Assigned Scoping Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SS08 Finalize project scope Where are you in the Workflow? Finalize Project Scope/Scoping Cost
MANAGE SCOPING The goal of the Map Panels screen is to select the currently effective map panels that will be affected by the study. You may choose to select panels individually from the drop-down list, clicking “Add Map Panel” after selecting each panel. Or you can click “Add All” to select all map panels for the study area (this may be useful for countywide study projects). Note: The effective map panels in the drop-down list should match the data at the Map Service Center. The Scoping Task LeadSS08 Finalize Project Scope/Map Panels
Select the Scoped Tasks (data development tasks) which were identified during scoping. Make sure you select the largest possible set of tasks because any of these tasks can be removed from the workflow later on but these tasks can not be added later. Select the areas affected by the study carefully. Click “Add Area” for each area selected. If an area is not selected at this time it can not be added later in the workflow (unless you contact Select the approximate percentage of the affected area(s). MANAGE SCOPING Scoping Task LeadSS08 Finalize Project Scope/Scoped Tasks
(Continued) Once the information entered has been reviewed and the “Complete Task” button has been clicked, the “Obligate Project Funds” task will appear on the Work Item List of all potential Study Project Administrator(s) associated with the geography of the project study responsible for funding and planning the Data Development Tasks, Independent QA Tasks, and Mapping Tasks for each study area. Take the time to complete the short Self Quiz on the following page before proceeding to the next training module. MANAGE SCOPING Scoping Task LeadSS08 Finalize Project Scope/Scoped Tasks
1. Prepare for Scoping” task would appear on the Work Item List of all potential Study Project Administrator(s) of the organization selected to perform the scoping work. True or False 2. Funds contributed to the scoping effort by a leverage partner can be captured. True or False 3. A scoped task (data development task) can be added later in the workflow if it is not selected as part of finalizing the project scope.. True or False This concludes the Manage Scoping module of the “MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training” course. Please proceed to the next module in the course, Manage Flood Engineering.MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training MANAGE SCOPING Self Quiz Answers: 1. False 2. True 3. False Self Quiz