1 Single Entry Model (SEM) Weekly Market Call August 06, 2009 Carrie Tucker
2 Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure.
3 SEM Weekly Market Call Agenda Antitrust Admonition SEM Go-Live Update Market Testing and Training Update Readiness Dashboards SEM Go-Live Criteria and Approval FAQ/ Open Issues Roll-call Questions/Answers Appendix/Supporting Info –What is SEM? –Go-Live timeline and activities –Training overview and sign-up –Dates/ methods to test submissions of NOMCRs –Readiness metrics related to training and testing –Communication mailbox and SEM Market Call Schedule
4 SEM Go-Live Update What is ERCOT doing this week? –Continue Nodalizing the Zonal Model seed (adding RARF data and other nodal attributes) –Stress test of SEM Go-Live Production system –Zonal/Nodal Data Consistency Check –MPIM Migration issue – resolved –Market Notice will go out soon to USAs for MPIM Roles for NMMS Role available to assign NMMS_IMM ERCOT will release details to USAs on how to assign the roles for SEM Go-Live Note that all users will receive new accounts/user names Training –Completed session/week 6 of 6 weeks of training –ERCOT setting up Sept make-up classes CIM Model Distribution –Distributed to 6 TSPs, available from Communications during the week – –System outages
5 Market Testing & Training Update Communication of requests Training Requests – make up classes –Sign up using LMS system Training page: Enrollment: Will look to post Sept classes Test system access request – for test system Populated CIM file request –Request file from –Pressing CDs and mailing to TSP upon request
6 SEM Go-Live Market Engagement Dashboard
7 Overall SEM Go-Live ERCOT/Market Criteria Dashboard
8 SEM Go-Live Criteria and Approval Summary of remaining Stakeholder meeting dates for SEM discussion/approval of Go-Live –August –30-day Market Notice - July 31 –SEM Go-Live Notice (conditional based on TAC/Board approval) –August 5 Market Notice - Reminder that Aug 15- Aug 30 only emergency SRs accepted (related to reliability, coordinate with ERCOT director of Grid Operations) –NDSWG – Aug 4 –TAC - Aug 6 –ROS - Aug 13 –NDSWG - Aug 18 –ERCOT publishes results and sign-off from Directors – Aug 17 –BOD - Aug 18 –10-day Market Notice - Aug 21 –SEM Go-Live - Aug 31
9 Go-Live timeline and activities (continued) –Transition periods: June 1- Aug 30, 2009 (objective to minimize SvcReq during this period) –Submit changes as far in advance as possible –No equipment name changes (defer until after SEM Go-Live 8/31/09) Aug 15-30, 2009 –Two weeks no submissions, except for emergency changes Aug 31, Feb 2010 (NOMCRs for any/all network changes) –After 8/31/09 TSPs will work to validate the network model and align to their in-house systems –Initially the NOMCR timeline will align with zonal timeline »30-day lead-time, compliant with current zonal database schedulezonal database schedule »Status is tracked and communicated via system s –Any SRs that did not go into zonal production will be converted by ERCOT to NOMCRs for verification/submission by TSPs in Sept –In 2010 TSPs gradually transition to NodalProtocols(3.10) 90-day timeline submission requirements
10 FAQ No changes this week User/password (if you cannot remember your user account/password for the ERCOT network). User name is usually first initial last name (eg, John Smith would be jsmith). If you do not remember either, the password will need to be re-set through the ERCOT Helpdesk (the implementation team cannot administer passwords). –Step 1- if you don’t have an ERCOT digital certificate, contact your company’s USA –Step 2- if you can’t remember your user name and/or password the ERCOT Helpdesk, First and Last name DUNS number Phone number so they can contact you with the new password Service Level Agreement- the SLA for this NMMS testing platform is business hours Monday- Friday. The systems will be kept available after-hours and weekends, but support of questions and system issues will only be worked during regular business hours. Production system access- this access is only to the test environments. The final environment in August will require additional requests and participation from the USA for your company to assign the appropriate NMMS role.
11 Open Issues / Responses Will there be focused ICCP-only training or a guide for SCADA-focused employees? –All TSP users are encouraged to attend the basic training being offered –When this training is complete ERCOT will see if there is a desire of MPs to have specialized training for SCADA assignments to build upon the basic training Can an MP modeler set-up new equipment, and then have another user make the ICCP assignment? –Yes, the same TSP can have one user establish the equipment in a NOMCR, and a different user can edit the NOMCR to complete the SCADA assignments Can ERCOT set-up a read-only role? –By default users are granted read/write privileges –Upon an request to ERCOT can change the access to be read-only Operatorship vs Ownership Line assignment- Legal working on draft of NPRR Service Level Agreement post SEM Go-Live- –IT support 99.9% availability, 4 hour recovery –Same business support as used for Service Requests –Post SEM Go-Live + 60days window for fall-back to Service Requests –Post SEM Go-Live + 60days window for Guideline discussion –Ongoing- from 500 comments, down to 3 significant discussion- see v0.81 from NDSWG agenda
12 Open Issues / Responses (cont’d) How can I configure Citrix to allow me to export/import CIM files? Steps: 1)While Citrix and the application are open, there should be a Citrix icon in your taskbar (the ‘Citrix Connection Center’) 2)Double click the icon 3)Click ‘File Security’ 4)Click ‘Full Access’
13 Roll-call and Q&A Roll-call Test environment URL –URL- Reminder(s): –Training Requests Enroll at –Test system access request for test system –Populated CIM file request for CIM Pressing CDs and mailing to TSP upon request Friday and Monday Questions and Answers Next Weekly Market Call- Aug 13, 2009
14 Appendix/Supporting Info –What is SEM? –Go-Live timeline and activities –Training overview and sign-up –Dates/ methods to test submissions of NOMCRs
15 SEM Go-Live Overview Single Entry Model (SEM) Go-Live is the switchover on Aug 31, 2009 for TSP submissions of network operations model change requests –from “Service Request” submissions via TML –to “NOMCR” submissions via the NMMS System of record for model changes becomes NOMCRs on 8/31//09 System of record for Network operations Model for reliability and dispatch remains Zonal/Genesys system until Dec 2010 TSP Current Activity Submit Modeling Change via Service Request ERCOT Uploads Svc Request into Zonal Genesys Model ERCOT Copies/Converts Zonal Model “seed” Into Nodal NMMS Model TSP Aug 31, 2009 Submit Modeling Change via NOMCR/NMMS Tool (includes ICCP) ERCOT Incrementally Converts NOMCR Into Svc Req Uploads into Zonal Genesys Model ERCOT uploads NOMCR Into Nodal NMMS Model to support nodal testing Data Consistency Checks are run to ensure model synchronization/fidelity Periodic checks are run to ensure model synchronization/fidelity Full Copy Incr. NOMCR
16 Current Network Operations Model Maintenance for TSPs ERCOT Zonal EMMS Model (system of record through 12/1/2010) Submits Service Request to Change Model ERCOT Nodal NMMS Model (nodal testing model- CIM file for EMS/MMS/etc) Periodic full copy and conversion of model (zonal seed used for nodal systems) TSP
17 After 8/31/2009: SEM Go-Live Network Operations Model Maintenance for TSP ERCOT Zonal EMMS Model (system of record through 12/1/2010) ERCOT Nodal NMMS Model (nodal testing model- CIM file for EMS/MMS/etc) ERCOT enters NOMCRs into zonal model ERCOT runs consistency checks to ensure models are aligned and maintained Submits Model Change Request (NOMCR) TSP NMMS Model System of Record Nodal Go-Live 12/1/2010
18 Network Operations Model Maintenance for Resource & QSE (today and post 8/31/09) ERCOT Zonal EMMS Model (system of record through 12/1/2010) ERCOT Nodal NMMS Model (nodal testing model- CIM file for EMS/MMS/etc) ERCOT enters into zonal model NMMS Model System of Record Nodal Go-Live 12/1/2010 Submits RARF (Resource Asset Reg Form) via Service Request Submits ICCP Change via Service Request ERCOT process QSE RE
19 SEM Go-Live Update Communication and Calendar –May 6 th ERCOT began TSP outreach through Wholesale Client Services TDSP/TO associations sent to 23 TOs Solicit training headcount from TOs (pre and post Go-Live) Good response from TOs –May 15- Market Notice sent for SEM Kick-off call to occur –May 28- SEM Kick-off WebEx 10:00-11:30am Go-Live timelines and activities for June - August 2009 Training overview and sign-up Dates and access methods to test submissions of NOMCRs Communications mailbox and SEM market call schedule –June 4- Start weekly Thursday SEM Calls at 2-3pm (through go-live/August) Company attendance is recorded ERCOT provide updates on testing and training Highlight issues or Frequently Asked Questions Open Question/Answer session for TSPs Meetings will be posted on new ERCOT calendar page at: –June 8- Testing environment available to TSPs (through Aug 10) –June 22- Weekly classroom training for 6-weeks (through July 30)
20 Go-Live timeline and activities (continued) Communication –May 6 th ERCOT began TSP outreach through Wholesale Client Services TDSP/TO associations sent to 23 TOs Solicit training headcount from TOs (pre and post Go-Live) Good response from TOs
21 Go-Live timeline and activities (continued) Communication and Calendar –May 15- Market Notice sent for SEM Kick-off call to occur –May 28- SEM Kick-off WebEx 10:00-11:30am Go-Live timelines and activities for June - August 2009 Training overview and sign-up Dates and access methods to test submissions of NOMCRs Readiness metrics related to training and testing Communications mailbox and SEM market call schedule –June 4- Start weekly Thursday SEM Calls at 2-3pm (through go-live/August) Company attendance is recorded ERCOT provide updates on testing and training Highlight issues or Frequently Asked Questions Open Question/Answer session for TSPs Meetings will be posted on ERCOT calendar at –June 8- Testing environment available to TSPs (through Aug 10) –June 22- Weekly classroom training for 6-weeks (through July 30)
22 Go-Live timeline and activities (continued)
23 Go-Live timeline and activities (continued) –Transition periods: June 1- Aug 30, 2009 (objective to minimize SvcReq during this period) –Submit changes as far in advance as possible –No equipment name changes (defer until after SEM Go-Live 8/31/09) Aug 15-30, 2009 –Two weeks no submissions, except for emergency changes Aug 31, Feb 2010 (NOMCRs for any/all network changes) –After 8/31/09 TSPs will work to validate the network model and align to their in-house systems –Initially the NOMCR timeline will align with zonal timeline »30-day lead-time, compliant with current zonal database schedulezonal database schedule »Status is tracked and communicated via system s –Any SRs that did not go into zonal production will be converted by ERCOT to NOMCRs for verification/submission by TSPs in Sept –In 2010 TSPs gradually transition to NodalProtocols(3.10) 90-day timeline submission requirements
24 Training Overview and Sign-Up TSP Submission Testing and Training will be the same system/database -Model to be used will be snapshot from October Training audience is the TSP network operations modelers/staff Submission Testing system access –Available June 8 – Aug 10 –NOMCR testing system will be on-line and available to all TSPs –ERCOT has established a dedicated and have staff available to support questions Training to be hosted in Taylor –Pre-SEM classes June 22 – Aug 3 Current plans for at least six 3-day sessions Planning for seats for each class Large dedicated training room –Post-SEM classes Sept 23- Oct 20 Fewer sessions and smaller classes (tbd) Make-up classes, not just-in-time training for all staff after go-live
25 Training Overview and Sign-Up (continued) Classroom schedule for the 3-day class One class per week for 6 weeks Start 1pm Tuesday / End noon Thursday Trainees can stay in Lab Thursday afternoon for Q&A If schedule fills up, ERCOT will shorten class to 2-days for the overbooked weeks June 23-25, June 30- July 2 July 7- 9, 14-16, 21-23, Next 4 slides show summary of training format and equipment Full training outline in Appendix (no change from last month) Note that testing/training will only include Level 1 Validation Level 1 – Automatic by the system upon submitting. Level 2 – Visual by the N/W Model Coordinator Level 3 – Power flow run on the one NOMCR. Level 4 – Power flow run on all NOMCRs for that day. Level 5 – Power flow run on the AREVA system.
Training (continued)
30 Training Overview and Sign-Up (continued) Sign-up for access to test environment starts today System access begins June 8 th request to Test environment requires a valid digital certificate (production or nodaltest) -Digital certificates are to be coordinate with your company’s USA -Include in Employee Name- TSP/Company Name- DUNS- address- Alternate/Centralized address for status change- Primary phone- Alternate phone-