Project Overview Learning Areas Levels Objectives Classroom, ICT Room, Visit to Botanic Gardens, Outdoors Levels 10-12 years Pupils will be able to: Classify and identify different types of plants using information handling techniques (graphs, tables, surveys) Investigate the relationship between volume and capacity Use a range of problem solving skills such as hypothesising Objectives Description This VCT explores the Science topic of Living Things and the cross curricular connections with Mathematics. RM Starting Graph and Information Magic, Internet, Microsoft Word/Powerpoint, Active Primary 2 Software This Virtual Classroom Tour template has been provided so you can develop your own Virtual Classroom Tours. Use the template to record a special learning project that you have found particularly successful in your classroom. Then share the project with other teachers in your school, district or beyond. Here’s how: Follow the prompts on each slide and in the embedded Word documents, in this PowerPoint document, to insert your project information. When you have finished inputting all of the project information that is requested, delete the prompts. Select each one and press the Delete key. Note: To enter the title of your Virtual Classroom Tour you must select View, Master, Slide Master, and enter it on the slide master. Then click Close Slide Master. This will cause the title to appear on each of the slides. From the File menu choose Save As… and save the document as a PowerPoint Show. (Use the File type: drop-down list to choose PowerPoint Show). You can then distribute the Virtual Classroom Tour. Authors Scott Haxton, P6/7 Class Teacher Documents
Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Project Overview: Pupils were asked to grow broad beans in class; they were responsible for feeding the beans, recording the rate of growth and discussing their findings with their peers. This linked with the class topic of Living Things. We considered a range of factors which would influence the growth of the beans; for example temperature, sunlight etc. This provided us with the opportunity to look at a range of mathematical and scientific skills including problem solving, measuring. For example in measuring we explored the relationship between volume and capacity and discussed how volume can be measured accurately. Hence we used a range of scientific equipment. Pupils were encouraged to record their findings in graphs, tables. Pupils also had the opportunity to visit the University of Dundee Botanic Gardens. On this slide, embed the student handouts and the resources created for this project. Some examples are a student project overview, Internet and other resources, directions for art projects, or instructions to students for peer editing of projects. To embed the resources, follow these steps: Have the resource document available. From the Insert menu choose Object. Select Create from File… and click Browse…. Find the file you want to include and click OK. Select Display as icon and click Change Icon… and add a suitable caption. Click OK to add the caption and click OK to embed the file. Position the document icon at the bottom of the slide. You can go to View, Grid and Guides, and click Display Grid on Screen for a grid on which to line up your icons. Documents
Teacher and School Information Class Teacher: Scott Haxton Head Teacher: Mrs Evelyn Noble Borrowfield Primary School, Newhame Road, Montrose, Angus, DD10 9EZ E-mail: Use these resources for assistance in working with and learning more about Microsoft Office applications.