June 5, 2014
Mission: to provide a basis for collaboration among its member schools, both in the sharing of information technology resources and in the consolidation of operating functions where practical.
Ellucian Colleague Ellucian Portal Entrinsik’s Informer Softdocs doc eScan, eServe Blackbaud’s The Raiser’s Edge
Shared software and licenses purchased as an organization of 9000 FTE Centralized hosting and support One copy of the software Production and Test instances for each school Standardized implementation Minimal customization or consensus on customizations Web or Citrix access to all applications
ICESchool IT Perform system updates Maintain servers, perform backups, manage DR site Set up reporting fields/logic Provide second level support Conduct needs assessments Train and consult Manage Projects Facilitate communication Support users Disseminate information Provide local project management Train users Support reporting Coordinate testing
Implementation ◦ Approximately $750,000 Ongoing ◦ Range from $150,000 - $300,000 annually ◦ Licenses, hardware, maintenance, staffing, Hosting/DR ◦ Based on three factors Shared costs formula: Equal Share plus FTE Projects School-specific options (i.e. Raiser’s Edge)
Board Advisory Council IT partnerships Subject matter experts
schools schools schools
Two years to full implementation No customization until fully implemented All schools set up the same General Ledger structure Common names for fields, codes, and forms Adopt a “Train the Trainer” model Business offices became FASB* compliant *FASB = Financial Accounting Standards Board
◦ Each institution designated one dedicated administrative database manager Single point of contact per institution with ICE ICE is single point of contact with Datatel/Ellucian ◦ Implementation Team at Emory & Henry College Database manager CIO CFO Instructional Technologist (Head trainer) College Treasurer ◦ All institutions’ implementation teams met for 3 days in Charleston for project management training and to develop approach documents
◦ Set up training schedules at ICE and on campus ◦ Imported employee data and built/implemented security classes by position ◦ Began training in Charleston with key stakeholders (trainers) ◦ Kickoff event—IMPORTANT
◦ Datatel/Ellucian is standardized on HP printers ◦ The need for good reporting tools ◦ The need to implement common print forms ◦ Network Infrastructure on each campus and at ICE needs to be totally compatible
◦ Training for new staff and additional training for current staff ◦ Ensuring that we are making maximum use of our investment ◦ Ongoing compliance with best practices ◦ Addition/integration of other third party vendor solutions
ChallengesBenefits Lower TCO Technical expertise Staff dedicated to specific technologies Sharing among schools ◦ Resources ◦ Knowledge ◦ Best Practices Power in numbers Attrition Reaching consensus Budget neutrality Fostering communication Combatting complacency
Loss of control Ownership of the program No natural champion Loss of power and possibly positions Time, energy and cost to convert Vendor support Antitrust regulations Geographical mindset
Governance Trust Buy In on ALL Levels Culture of Collaboration and Compromise Communication Adaptability Recognizing unique needs and strategies
Lorraine Abraham Shelley Nason