With amendments w.e.f
(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) ‘Act’ means the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003); (b) ‘actual drawal’ in a time-block means electricity drawn by a beneficiary or a buyer, as the case may be, measured by the interface meters; (c) ‘actual injection’ in a time-block means electricity generated or supplied by the generating station or seller, as the case may be, measured by the interface meters. (d) ‘beneficiary’ means the person purchasing electricity generated from the generating station; (e) ‘buyer’ means a person, other than the beneficiary, buying electricity through a transaction scheduled in accordance with the regulations of the Commission applicable for short term open access, medium term access and long term access;
(f) ‘generating station’ means a generating station whose tariff is determined by the Commission under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 62 of the Act; (g) ‘Grid Code’ means the Grid Code specified by the Commission under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of Section 79 of the Act (h) 'Commission' means the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission referred to in sub-section (1) of section 76 of the Act; (i) ‘interface meters’ means interface meters as defined by the Central Electricity Authority under the Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time; (j) ‘Load Despatch Centre’ means National Load Despatch Centre, Regional Load Despatch Centre or State Load Despatch Centre, as the case may be, responsible for coordinating scheduling of the generating station in accordance with the provisions of Grid Code
k) `scheduled generation’ at any time or for any period or time block means schedule of generation in MW or MWh ex-bus given by the concerned Load Despatch Centre; (l) `scheduled drawal’ at any time or for any period or time block means schedule of despatch in MW or MWh ex-bus given by the concerned Load Despatch Centre; (m) ‘seller’ means a person, other than a generating station supplying electricity through a transaction scheduled in accordance with the ( regulations specified by the Commission for short term open access, medium term access and long term access; (n) ‘ time-block’ means block of 15 minutes, for which specified electrical parameters and quantities are recorded by special energy meter, with first time block starting at Hrs;
(o) ‘Unscheduled Interchange’ in a time-block for a generating station or a seller means its total actual generation minus its total scheduled generation and for a beneficiary or buyer means its total actual drawal minus its total scheduled drawal. (2) Save as aforesaid and unless repugnant to the context or the subjectmatter otherwise requires, words and expressions used in these regulations and not defined, but defined in the Act, or the Grid Code or the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 shall have the meanings assigned to them respectively in the Act or the Grid Code or the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2009.
The objective of these regulations is to maintain grid discipline as envisaged under the Grid Code through the commercial mechanism of Unscheduled Interchange Charges by controlling the users of the grid in scheduling, dispatch and drawl of electricity.
These regulations shall be applicable to – (i) the generating stations and the beneficiaries, and (ii) sellers and buyers involved in the transaction facilitated through open access or medium term access or long-term access in inter- State transmission
(1) The over-drawal of electricity from the schedule by any beneficiary or a buyer during a time-block shall not exceed 12% of its scheduled drawal or 150 MW (whichever is lower) when frequency is below 49.7 Hz, and 3% on a daily aggregate basis for all time blocks when the freq is below 49.7Hz. (2) The under-injection of electricity from the schedule by a generating station or by
a seller during a time-block shall not exceed 12% of the scheduled injection of such generating station or seller when frequency is below 49.7 Hz, and 3% on daily aggregate basis for all time blocks when the freq is below 49.7Hz. . (3) In addition to UI Rate corresponding to frequency of 49.5 Hz, as stipulated under regulation 5, an Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge at the rate equivalent to 40% of the UI Rate corresponding to frequency of 49.5 Hz shall be applicable for over-drawal or under-injection of electricity for each time-block when grid frequency is below 49.5 Hz.
Provided that for under-injection of electricity during the time-block when grid frequency is below 49.5 Hz to 49.2Hz for the generating stations using coal or lignite or gas supplied under Administered Price Mechanism (APM) as the fuel, Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge shall be equivalent to 20% of the UI Cap Rate and for below 49.2Hz it is 40% of the cap rate. Note: The Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge shall be reviewed by the Commission on six-monthly basis or earlier, and revised, if necessary through separate orders. (4) Payment of Unscheduled Interchange Charges under regulation 5 and the Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge under Regulation 7(3) above, shall be without prejudice to any action that may be considered appropriate under section 142 and section 149 of the Act for contravention of the over-drawal and under-generation limit specified in these regulations, for a time block when frequency is below 49.5 Hz. (5) The Commission may from time to time, if considered necessary, prescribe the Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge for over-drawal or under-injection of electricity during the time-block when grid frequency is below 49.5 Hz and up to 49.2 Hz.
Notwithstanding anything specified in Regulations 6 and 7, the generating station, the seller, the beneficiary and the buyer shall follow the instructions of the Regional Load Despatch Centre on generation and drawal.
All payments on account of Unscheduled Interchange charges including the Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charges levied under these regulations and interest received on late payment thereof shall be credited to a Fund called the “Unscheduled Interchange Pool Account Fund”, which shall be maintained and operated in accordance with provisions of the Grid Code.
(1) All payments for Unscheduled Interchange charges including the Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge shall be made to the “Unscheduled Interchange Pool Account Fund” within 10 days of issue of Unscheduled Interchange account statement by the Regional Power Committee. (2) If any payments for the Unscheduled Interchange charges on the Additional Unscheduled Interchange Charge are delayed by more than two days, that is to say, payments are made beyond a period of 12 days of issue of the statement by the Regional Power Committee, simple for each day of delay shall be payable. (3) All payments from the Unscheduled Interchange Pool Account Fund to the entities entitled to receive any amount shall be made within 5 days of crediting of the amount to “Unscheduled Interchange Pool Account Fund”.
UI 155ps/u Median of of Average cost of Coal/ Lignite for 08/09-01/10 UI 403ps/u sufficient incentive to the generating station based on coal including imported coal UI 873 ps/u highest of the average energy charges of generating stations for 08/09-01/10
Generators under APM fuel: If the UI rate in a time block exceeds 403 ps/u then the UI rate for the station is restricted to = 403ps/u Restricted cap rates For over-generation in a time block beyond 105% of the Declared Capacity i.e. if the generation is 105% to 107% (say) then for the extra 2% beyond 105% the rate = 155ps/u For over-generation when the generation exceeds 101% of the Declared Capacity over an entire day then for any time block in that day,when the generation is say 104% then for the extra 3% (104%-101%) the rate is = 155ps/u
Beneficiary or Buyer : For Underdrawal upto10% or 250MW whichever is less = No cap For Underdrawal beyond 10% or 250MW shall not exceed 403ps/u For Eg:- if AP has schedule of 100 MW,but is underdrawing at 91MW then for the 9MW the prevailing rate applies. But, if it is underdrawing at 88MW and if the rate is 873ps/u (i.e. more than 403ps/u) then for 2MW (i.e % of 100=90;90- 88=2) the rate will be restricted to 403ps/u
For Sellers For Overgeneration upto 120% of Schedule = No cap For Overgeneration beyond 120% of Schedule but upto 105% of Installed capacity =403ps/u Restricted Cap Rates For Overgeneration beyond 105% of IC in a block or 101% of IC in a day = 155ps/u
Additional UI is independent of individual behaviour of any constituents/ISGS/Seller It is dependent solely on frequency. Two frequency slabs Hz < SR/ER frequency < 49.2 Hz 2. SR/ER frequency < 49.2 Hz
For Beneficiary/Seller If Overdrawing then 40 % of rate at 49.5 Hz i.e. 40% of 873ps/u If Underinjecting then 20% of rate at 49.5 Hz i.e. 20% of 873ps/u For ISGS Only for underinjecting 20% of rate at 49.7 Hz i.e. 20% of 403ps/u
For Beneficiary/Seller If Overdrawing then 100 % of rate at 49.5 Hz i.e. 873ps/u If Underinjecting then 40% of rate at 49.5 Hz i.e. 40% of 873ps/u For ISGS Only for underinjecting 40% of rate at 49.7 Hz i.e. 40% of 403ps/u
UI = Schedule – Actual Taken from.tn1/kp1/… &.re1 files Nuclear UI Adjustment to be taken into picture.
Case study: Suppose KAPS has a Schedule of 100MW.As per schedule its allocation has been split equally between KA,KL,TN,AP. Now,let its Actual be 104MW. So, KA gets 26MW=KL=TN=AP. Each state gets an extra of 1MW. If there was no nuclear UI, then let UI of each state be 100,200,300,400 MW respectively Now, when there is nuclear UI,then the UI of each state is adjusted by 1MW. Resultant UI becomes 99,199,299,399MW for respective beneficiaries.
After the nuclear adjustment is done (for all 4 nuclear PPs) this resultant/effective/total UI is from now on taken as the normal UI. So amount for the UI (Rs) = 2.5 * UI (in MW) * rate (in ps/KWh) for that particular time block
Calculation of quantity of UI to be restricted = X (say…) Restricted amount = 2.5*restricted rate * X Restricted rate = 155ps/u iff prevailing rates more than 155ps/u Valid only for ISGS & Seller
For ISGS/Seller –> Quantity of UI to be capped = UI – X Capped amount = 2.5*(UI - X)*capped rate(403ps/u)
For beneficiary, Capped amount = 2.5*quantity*capped rate(403ps/u) Quantity = beyond 10% of Schedule or 250MW,whichever is less.
For seller Rate = 403ps/u when UI > 120% of schedule but when UI < 105% of IC. Capped amount = 2.5*UI*rate. Quantity = UI
Applicable only when frequency is lower than identified frequencies i.e., < 49.5 Hz and < 49.2 Hz. Amount = 2.5*rate*UI Rate is dependent on frequency, type of constituents and overdrawal/underinjection.